Hola, Apostrophe Universe!
Vite Build System: Development at the Speed of Light! ?
Get ready for a revolutionary upgrade to your development workflow! Our new Vite integration brings blazing-fast Hot Module Replacement to ApostropheCMS. Watch your UI changes appear instantly, say goodbye to full page reloads, and enjoy build times that will make you wonder how you ever lived without it. Available now in beta, Vite is set to become our default bundler – join us in building the future of ApostropheCMS development!
ESM Support: Welcome to Modern JavaScript! ?
The future of JavaScript has arrived in ApostropheCMS with full ESM support! Harness the power of native JavaScript modules for cleaner code, smarter bundling, and seamless integration with modern tools and frameworks. Combined with Vite’s HMR capabilities, you’ll experience development nirvana: crystal-clear module dependencies, instant updates, and the pure joy of working with cutting-edge JavaScript. The modern ApostropheCMS developer experience you’ve been dreaming of is here!
Dynamic Field Dependencies: Enhanced Schema Options
Create smarter interfaces where field options adapt naturally to your content structure as it changes. Building on our existing `following` feature for string fields, we’ve expanded dynamic value support to checkboxes, radio buttons, and select fields. Now your schema field `choices` can be dynamically updated based on other field values, enabling more sophisticated and responsive content models.
Breakpoint Preview Menu: Expanded Device Testing
The breakpoint preview feature introduced last release gets even better with a new dropdown menu interface. Now you can configure and switch between a wider range of device sizes, making it easier than ever to test your responsive designs across multiple screen formats. This enhancement gives you more flexibility in previewing how your content appears across various devices without cluttering your interface.
Enhanced Hosting: Headless CMS + Modern Frontend
We now offer managed hosting for headless ApostropheCMS paired with an Astro frontend. Get all the familiar ApostropheCMS features – in-context editing, admin UI, and content management tools – while leveraging modern web architecture for enhanced performance.
A note about Node.js versions
Congratulations to Node.js 22.x, which is now the newest LTS (Long-Term Support) release of Node.js. ApostropheCMS fully supports Node.js 22.x, as well as the other active LTS releases, 18.x and 20.x.
**Please do not use Node.js 22.7.0, which had a bug causing issues with certain Apostrophe features. Use Node.js 22.10.0 (as of this writing) if you wish to use the Node 22.x series. Read about the bug here
Remember npm update gets you the latest and greatest right in your project!