3 tips on how to start a successful YouTube channel from scratch. ****** JOIN THE FREE YOUTUBE INFLUENCE CHALLENGE ⏰ Learn how to start and grow a high impact and high profit YouTube channel in 2020! ➡️
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?Videos and Resources Mentioned in This Video ?
1. If you’re a creator, business owner, influencer, or entrepreneur, we want to invite you to participate in this free 7 day YouTube challenge. SIGN UP FREE HERE ?
2. (Free Video Series) ? How to Make Money on Youtube with Affiliate Marketing (Beginner Tutorial Series)
3. ? Recommended Books ?
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin
QUESTION — Have a question about Online Video, Video Production, Tech, Marketing, or Anything Else? Post in comments section of this video!
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In this video Sean Cannell from Think Media and Video Influencers shares 5 tips on how to get your first 1000 YouTube subscribers.
#thinkmedia #thinkmarketing #seancannell
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QUESTION OF THE DAY ⚡ WHY do you want to start a grow a successful channel? What is ONE of your reasons? Let me know! 👇 **** JOIN THE FREE YOUTUBE INFLUENCE CHALLENGE ⏰ Learn how to start and grow a high impact and high profit YouTube channel in 2020! ➡️ http://TubeInfluence.com
I feel like we've reached a point where 60% of the people are youtube creators and there simply aren't enough people left to watch all the content 😂. Or maybe it's just my content that isn't being watched 😅
Why didn’t I watch this 4 years ago!!! 😂😂😂
Just found your channel as I’m looking to start a channel. Thanks for the tips!
With starting wile not ready
I started already and I have 110 subscribers
I've been pondering for 4 years!!!
I absolutely love this video! I know it’s old but I’m in the process of rebranding my channel and a lot of your values is exactly one of the reasons why I wanted to reconnect and start a podcast! Love your videos!!
I really like your attitude, love "Youth Ministry" even though I am a Muslim. I love getting youth involved with their faith and being able to express themselves. You are very entertaining. "Punch Fear in the Face"! Love it!
I want to start a YouTube channel but I’m afraid I will run out of content 😢
I’ve been pondering for a long time
I’m a Vegas local also! My goal and mission is to provide an online community for special needs parents. I’m a mom to a special needs little girl and a professional singer out here ❤ you inspired me
😢 I m just started 13 days ago with 6 videos. I m sooo scared but I already have 120 views. Am I on the right track?
Waoooo for me, it was the “be ready to be a leader so be ready to be followed AND hated. Thank you 🙏🏼
It's so encouraging to see a mature big Youtuber's first video. Thank you sooooo much!
Here in 2024 . I am a streamer on kick . Still pondering
54:10 You are Absolutely right, America is just printing money and they reason America is getting away with it is because of influence, they make other countries trade in dollars, USA have a trade deficit of 600 Billion dollars everywhere, Imagine if World stops trading in US dollars and go for another currency in the upcoming world war? America will become Africa. And if America lost the war and China became a new superpower then America will become the world war II Japan.
41:52 Wait, Are you Muslim by faith? Because what you said is from Quran (10:3) "Your Lord is God who created the heavens and earth in six Days, then established Himself on the Throne, governing everything; there is no one that can intercede with Him, unless He has first given permission: this is God your Lord so worship Him. How can you not take heed?"
cool here
I had a YouTube channel 4 years ago but made my first video yesterday sense 4 years ago
Also, getting followers or subscribers and views is not as easy as it is made out to be I got 5600 views on a post video that I put up of me helping a baby goat get out of the fence and then it just stopped. Those 5600 views were within a few hours of me posting the video so I thought I was on something good but I’ve had no view since.
2:03 thank you for the video. It was very helpful. I just started this week on YouTube. I have been working on a business to sell gadgets for sometime but I’m actually starting it now and I am trying to learn as much as I can about YouTube and how to promote my business.
Yes I want to make my YouTube channel to be a full time income
My channel is for the common person who doesn't have any real understanding of politics but wants to learn how to make an informed decision
Thanks a lot this gives me the confidence to get started I'm not a Christian but I do believe in trying to be a good person and treating others the way you would like to be treated yourself, but I admire your conviction and standing up for what you believe is right, I'm a big fan of the Hippocratic Oath that every doctor swears to which says "First do no harm" Peace x
I've started! Punched fear in the face!!
hes right
What a speech! This passion 🙌🏽 huge motivation on so many levels…
Thank you brother 🙏🏼
I agree with everything you said , I’m ready to start and your word was truly a divine blessing for me . ️TRULY MOTIVATING
Great words and info. 🎉
hahahaha you sound so funny when saying, why should i subscribe to your channel! make sense 😂😂
May God bless you with 10 Million subscribers, thanks for your advice
Just finding this, but thank you for the passion and reality check. Thanks for your testimony. You and God bless the people that come and see this video, hoping that it impacts you in a mighty way.
Thank You, Sir!!
That was so funny. Love it. 😂😂😂
Just getting started today. Posted my first couple shorts today and got my first subscriber! I definitely was not ready but started after a couple years of thinking about it!
I will love to start
I made my channel last night and uploaded a video about gta to
Appreciate your wisdom