#10krun #trackandfield #runningtips
Are you seeking how to to run a sub 35 minute 10k time? If so, I hope this video which includes some of my top recommend running tips will help you make that next big leap in your running. Focus on consistent training over 12 and preferably 16 weeks in length and you will make significant gains.
Remember, it isn’t just about physical training but mental preparation as well. The best middle to long distance runners are spending approximately 40% of their weekly volume at or below goal race pace.
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Nathan Pennington, MBA is the founder of rundreamachieve.com and holds personal bests of 9.27 for two-miles, 4:22 for the mile, 14:18 for 5K, 31.09 for 10K, 50:54 for 10-miles, 1:07:06 for the half-marathon, 1:44:05 for 20 miles and 2:19:35 for the marathon. He is a former member of the US Army World Class Athlete Program and two-time world armed forces cross-country team qualifier.
Nate holds a Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education from Malone University, Master of Science in Sport Administration from the University of Northern Colorado, an MBA from Purdue University and currently working toward his Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) degree from the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
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Super helpful. Thank you for the workout ideas!! I really am enjoying the process of improvement. This is one of my BIG goals for this year and I am not sure if I can do this realistically or if it is a stretch goal but I want to really give it a shot. Thanks again.
Sir, I can run 42 min 10k, do you think that with a proper training I can brake a sub35 10k in 5 month? And running 5 times a week is enough?
Great video😊
My PB in the 10km, 3 weeks ago, is 46 mins. Off maybe 10-15km training weeks.
Male 36
My next 10km race is in october. On a flat course. Last one was on a hilly course.
What should i do with my time to be best prepared for october ??
For my last 10km (46 mins) there mite have been weeks where i didnt train at all.
But since getting 46 mins, im determined to turn up actually prepared in october.
Any advice ??
Coach, could u give some natural food nutrition for 5k & 10k?
Really important to build up the strength Training even outside the gym. Doing a mix of plyometrics (jumping/ hopping), core and stability and strength. As well as mobility and stretching. Do this 10 to 25 minutes maybe 2 times a week and then later 4 times a week.
Sir I can run 10 km flat on road in 45 mints with full effort I want to run in 35 mints in four months pls advice how to do it
A great video, but my question is would the same training and methods apply as a female. My goal as someone returning back to running after a long break but has built up a strong strength and muscle endurance base over the last year Im building up my tempo and speed to complete longer and longer distances. I find getting under 35 mins as as a female more challenging. I love all the videos I youtube. Any advice for female athletes or females eager to break this barrier would be appreciated
This advice is really good! Is it possible to make an idiots/basic guide to tempo runs. I'm never sure that I'm doing them right.
Hi Nathan, hope all is well 😃
I purchased your 10km sub 35min , 8 week plan and would like to start the plan today.
I just have a quick question, my max hr is 155, so how should I interpret your suggested recommended hr rate zones ?
For example first day today Monday easy run 130 – 150, is probably for me around 4min/km pace, so definite not an easy run, should I than target perhaps 120 – 140 ? or perhaps just 5.30min/km so 2min slower than 3:30min/km target 10km speed ?
Would have the same question for Thursday for this week 1, you suggest moderate effort 3miles, hr 155 – 160 this is basically VO2 max, all out for me, so target 10km time 35min is 3:30min/km, what speed perhaps instead of hr would you suggest 3:50min/km ? 4:00min ?
Thanks for your swift reply, would really appreciate, if you could help me out here.
Thanks for your advices .tips . training tips. They had help me alot brother.
Really inspiring, thank you!
Hi Nate! Great tips! You mentioned strengthening of the muscles and ligaments around the knees. Do you have any home excercises I can use for this? I really started noticing pain in my left knee when I started implementing weekly track sessions of 400m repeats and 1200m intervals. It's not debilitating, and the pain usually disappears when my joints get warm, but I've noticed it's becoming more pronounced lately.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
What would be the minimum mileage to build up to? I've ran sub 19 5k on 50k a week. (Yes I know it's not even close to 35 10k) but I'm just curious.
Hey i just purchased the 40 minute 5 Mile plan.
I've only started running maybe 2 months ago and i've gradually been working from like 10-15-20 miles per week now im almost doing 25 miles a week but is it safe to jump into 40-50+ Mile weeks? or should i continue my gradual progression before jumping on the 16 week plan. Thanks
So I do some slow long runs, but on some of those long runs I start of doing 5 sets of 1km intervals at whatever my current target 5km/10km pace is (depending on which one I'm targeting), then I continue doing another 40 minutes or so slow and easy, then I finish it of with another 1.5 to 2km throwing in a few strides in each kilometre. Seems to have helped me dramatically. It is important to do some only slow runs though, especially to help with recovery after harder efforts.
Hey – Great Video. Ran a 17:58 5k Park run yesterday and keen to, eventually, break <35 10k. Have you got any specific drills for abs and glutes? The lack of dynamism there is holding me back.
Was really hard to run slow but heart monitor help me alot.
Thank you for sharing the valuable experience. As a new runner, Never heard about a 10-day taper or 3 weeks taper, I usually just do 3 days easy run before the trial and end up getting unsatisfied results lol. My goal of the year is to get sub 35 and my current PB for 5k is 17:56. I will get back to you if I succeed and I will.
What does a tempo run mean ?
Hi, I’m Julian from 🇯🇵!! (21)
I started running from Sep 1st, 2020 and have being running consistent till now.
5k: 16:45(Oct 17)
10k: 37:38 (Sep 19/ now 37:10)
21k: 1:17:36
I’ve done weightlifting for 3ys and shifted to running(weight 76 from 81kg).
(Background of playing basketball for 12ys)
Have been listening to your speech for a month everyday and just purchased your sub35 10k(based on understanding of my current level).
I was super hyped to ran 1500m x6 all under 5min with (R2min)!!
I’m sure this plan is working!!
My next 10k race will be held on Dec 20th. I’ll do whatever it takes to follow your plan🔥
Patient Parient Patient !
I’ll come and comment again for some tips next time!
Thank you!!
Excellent video,does anyone know where i could pick up a free 10k training plan for a advanced runner
I like very much that you stress the alternation in long runs. I will adapt to that!
However what I want to challenge is that the majority of your tips are to simply run harder, even “way above” race pace.
For athletes that understood that getting better at running simply takes patience and consistency, it should ring alarm bells.
Some background: My current PB is 35:11 and I ran it quite randomly without specific training. So that encouraged me to set up an 8 week 10k specific plan aiming at sub34. I’m not novice, but had been training for like a sub80 half marathon some time before this random 10k test, which never involved sessions that fast before. So completely surprised myself that I could hold that 10 times.
In my plan, the fastest sessions are 5 to max10 seconds faster than race pace. (Except for strides and shorter than 200m sprints).
I want to get my body used to race pace very early on from week 1 (e.g by 2 and 400s) and build up to running, e.g 3x3k @ race pace with only 20-30 seks recovery. I have a 5k Test @race pace in the middle of the plan to check how it feels and how heart rate develops.
So, all aims at just internalizing cadence and feel for race pace.
I don’t see the need to doing those heroic efforts you are suggesting – they will just get you injured in my eyes. Fast twitch fiber is for sure needed, but that can be developed in 1-200m sprints as well.
Am I approaching my goal not ambitiously enough?
Or do I have to really start asking my body for a 6*1k @ 3:10min/km if all I want to run is 3:24sh. Help me out here;)!
Just broke the 40 min barrier. Bring it!
That's all fine an dandy, to build paces on longer runs… if you've already build the mithocondrial density and function to proper level, then this hones nicely your ability closer to potential. But it will have unfortunately some interference activity towards building that all important oxygen intake and usage potentioal. So very potential build phase workouts. ANd going above ones aerobic threshold will interference also with the status quo of ANS and endorcine system so it will hae more systematic effect on bodys AND cognitive functions. As always individualism and proper rythm of workouts is the key. You would do long reps in gym rather than perhaps hill runs? Current literature and RCT studies is biased to heavy weight and in contrast to high velocity low resistance / plyometric work, sprints are really good. What was your volume in hours/and kilometers(miles) when subbed 35 for 10k and 2:20 for the big M?
I just did 15:25 in the 5k. Should I go sub 35:00 or 34:00 ? My last 10K is very old. Also I use that Nike that is very fast in a track. Is it a legitimate time?
Very good tips, I'm very keen to discover more videos from your channel. But if I could give you a piece of advice, for some people like myself, mixing miles and km's can be confusing and I always need to pause the video to check a conversion table. So maybe for non-US people it might be helpful if you'd add some text in the video while you are talking about distance, speed and pace. (so in meters, min/km and or km/h). Thanks for sharing this video and stay safe!
I ran 37:01 now I am shooting for 36:45ish. So what pace would you advise for my track day tuesday for 6x1mile and 6x2mile, my tempo day thursday how many miles at tempo pace and what pace? and then for my weekend long run which is usually 15-16 miles how should that be broken down (I am 48, not gifted runner, been running 60-90 miles per week for about 5 years now) thank you so much and sorry in advance for all the questions
Hi I’m new to your channel and my current goal for the 10km is Sub39. Using Garmin 10km training plan for now and training 4x/week. Would want to check out your training plan as well. You have Facebook messenger?
Awesome content and thorough delivery! I´ve got a question and I don´t mean to be arrogant or anything whatsoever. I don´t train on weekly basis and have never dedicated my time to running, but I do enjoy a jog from time to time, especially in the forest. I´ve done a couple of 10k races – with 20 days between them, in the last month. First one at 41:50, and a second one at 38:45. I do wish to take up the challenge of breaking the 35 minute barrier as it sounds rough, and I do like a challenge. Explanations are pretty clear as I said at the beginning, but I do have some doubts regarding weight (I´m 179cm 78kg, no abs), should I drop some? Also, how should training times be spaced out through a week? I understand it´s a pretty long comment, but I´d really like to hear your advice. Have a nice week!
Very well explained tips!! This is exactly what I needed with a good balance of easy and harder runs that you explained throughly. I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum which running too hard without easy runs last year which caused injury and exhaustion. Now just finished 3 months of easy running without any intervals, fartleks, tempos, etc and now coming back to faster workouts feels more painful.. hopefully I didn’t lose all my speed.
This is good experience and I hope to get back my speed in a few months. My best was a 37:20 in the 10k and I’m aiming low 36s and maybe a Sub 36 ambitiously the coming fall.
Thanks for the videos. Are you still training as you get your education (Go, GI Bill!)?
Thanks for great videos, would you please convert miles into kilometers, not lots of people use miles😉