One of the most important finishing touches when you’re publishing a website is how you represent your site in a browser’s UI or on a mobile home screen. Most browsers use favicons to represent your website on browser tabs and in bookmarks. Touch icons or webclips show up when someone saves your website to their smartphone’s home screen. They’re also used in places like Safari’s bookmarks.
In this video, we’ll show you how to prepare these vital icons and upload them to your Webflow site so you can be ready for a polished launch.
Note: We’re transitioning to a new UI, and are in the process of updating our Webflow University content.
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How do i get my favicon to show up on google search results?
I am unable to update my Favicon and Touch Icon. Any suggestions? I am on the free plan. Is that an issue?
Is there any way to change the title tag without changing the SEO title for search results?? Seems strange it is regarded as so important but they aren't separated. I did my home page regardless, but I would love to do a handful of sub-pages…
How can i change the favicon when the site doesn't load – no internet?
Webflow's gray favicon still appears in that case, even if i had my custom favicon uploaded.
I admit, the Amex number was where I laughed. Nice touch.
Is there a favicon generator service that you can recommend? I'm having trouble getting the dimensions precisely mocked up, which then leads to it not uploading.