1) The police officer doesn’t show up to trial
This may seem very obvious but this is likely the best way to beat a speeding ticket trial. Generally if a speeding ticket is set for trial and the police officer does not show to court, the ticket will get thrown out. If you have a speeding ticket in Cook county and the officer does not show to court on the first day, then the ticket will get thrown out. If you are in any other county, you will need to set the ticket for trial and come back a second day.

2) The police officer’s method for catching your speed is un reliable: Can you get a speeding ticket without radar?
Most police officers have the proper technology equipped in their vehicles. The vast majority of speeding ticket violations will be used with a radar gun. However, sometimes police officers will pace your car to determine your speed. If the police officer paced you vehicle and wrote you a ticket for speeding, then police officer needs to show that his vehicle maintained a consistent pace with your vehicle for a certain amount of time and that when he viewed his speedometer that his speedometer was calibrated and in working order. A police officer needs to be travelling the same speed as you and needs to travel in the same direction as you in order for him to properly pace your vehicle.

3) The posted speed limit sign was obstructed

If you are charged with speeding and you did not see the change in speed sign because the sign was obstructed by a tree or possibly by snow then you can argue that since the sign was obstructed you were not aware of the decrease in speed. The standard speed limit is 70 mph for rural freeways, 65 mph for other 4 lane divided highways, 55 mph for all other highways, and 30 mph for all other urban areas unless there are signs stating otherwise. If you are on a highway and the speed limit drops from 70 mph to 55 mph and the sign is obstructed by snow, you can argue that you were travelling the standard speed limit because you did not see a sign. However, if you are travelling 85 mph in a 70 mph zone that will not work because Illinois has a set standard limit of 70 mph for freeways.

4) Defect in the ticket: What happens if the cop puts the wrong name a ticket.
Officers are human and sometimes they will make mistakes on the ticket. Can a traffic ticket get dismissed for wrong information? Before you take your speeding ticket to trial, take a look at the ticket and make sure that the police officer has the correct information on the ticket. Is your name correct? Is the intersection correct? Is the day of the incident correct? In my years in practice I have had several tickets where the officer wrote the wrong name on the ticket or wrote the wrong vehicle or even the wrong date on the ticket. Generally, the prosecutor can amend and fix the ticket before trial, however if the prosecutor does not catch the mistake and the trial begins, it will be too late for the prosecutor to amend the ticket.

5) Necessity
Sometimes (rarely) you can argue necessity to the judge in order to beat a speeding ticket. With the necessity defense, you are telling the judge that you were speeding, but you needed to speed in order to prevent something bad from happening or to help someone out. The best example of necessity is when you are speeding to the hospital with your pregnant wife in the car or speeding to the emergency room because you are a doctor and you needed to save a patients life.

6) Get the results of the radar gun thrown out
a. How to prove that the radar gun is inaccurate
If a police officer wrote you a ticket for speeding and he determined that you were speeding due to a radar gun, then he will need to lay foundation to prove that the radar gun was working. In order to prove that the radar gun was working, the police officer needs to testify that he calibrated his radar gun using tuning forks before and after the issuance of the ticket and that in his opinion the radar gun was working. If he cannot testify to this, then they will not be able to introduce evidence of the radar gun and the prosecutor cannot prove what your speed was.

b. How to beat a speed trap in Illinois

A second way to get the results of the radar gun thrown out is if you can show that the police officer used the radar gun within 500 feet beyond the change of speed limit. For example, if the speed goes from 40 to 25 mph, the officer cannot radar your vehicle until the vehicle has passed beyond 500 feet of the 25mph zone speed limit sign. If the officer radars your vehicle within 500 feet of a change of speed limit, then the judge will throw the ticket out.



  1. Hello Guys, I just got a speeding ticket for 80km/hr in a 50 km/hr zone. I was bringing my 4 years old baby from the daycare. I might have exceeded the speed limit but as soon as I saw the cops about 150m in another lane. I slowed down but still got the ticket. Is there any way I can fight back or prove I wasn't speeding that much? Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.

    Bình luận
  2. 真人真事recorder zauberflotte 牧童笛记载国家第一非常有趣味性之高度有趣商业机密奥秘秘密:)

    特权律师杰夫阿达迟就是这样喜欢在高速公路上风驰电掣蹑景追飞地开快车,那上得山头终于遇到老虎呢!那就是一个trooper就是这样在freeway要求师傅特权律师就是这样在高速公路上pull over然后就是这样要求师傅杰夫交出所有驾驶文件例如dmv驾驶执照,驾驶保险证明,车辆登记证之类的东西,那师傅杰夫就是这样研究过好多不同州份的先前法律程序案例分析,就是这样好多非常有趣味性之古灵精怪的辩解理由,于是师傅就是这样修改一下来配合当前状况,结果就是笑话百出呢!

    那师傅特权律师杰夫阿达迟就是这样跟执法者trooper说道:) 执法人员达人,私我是这样尊重您的职业,您就是这样在尽这个您工作上的责任来禁止车辆使用者来非法开快车,但是私就是这样开快车就是这样有非常重要性之生死存亡之际的理由呢!

    那trooper就是这样听到师傅特权律师杰夫如此胡扯胡吹牛逼上月球就是这样觉得非常有兴趣想知道他大哥皇帝皇子殿下皇族哥儿就是有如何大话西游的辩解理由,于是trooper就是这样说道:)那您就是这样告诉私我您有什么天大的理由来开快车呢?恋爱大过天?(1: 无?2 : 天?enantiomerik identikal optikally contrarian laterally reversed isomers? :)


    那trooper就是这样说道:) 那又如何呢?



    那杰夫就是这样继续说道:)那这个高大威猛帅气哥哥警察叔叔就是这样跟您的摩托车和样貌和身材都是这样非常相似和一样的模式,那私我就是这样怕您已经这样知道私我的老婆被神经科学医学医疗专科专门专利专门的国家第一机密军事科技技术搞到变态厉害麻烦会吸精大法,所以私就是这样害怕您就是这样骑着警察威风的摩托车来强行装逼来给回私我杀人放火烧山牢底坐穿不斩眼的爱妻贤内助贤妻良母azita ghafourpour呢!

    Bình luận
  3. Just got a ticket for 74mph in a 45 🤦‍♂️nobody on the road dry conditions just a cop hiding behind some bushes 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️hate it here I have a fast car let me go fast when I’m the only one on the road

    Bình luận
  4. Rescind the contract before ever going to court.

    Never represent or allow your body (vessel) to be used for surety of a government created "ENS LEGIS".

    The "Just-Us" is filled with "PERSONAS".

    3 day right of recision on unwanted contracts. Without Prejudice. All Rights Reserved.

    STATUTE 77, Public Law 88-243.
    UCC 1-207.
    (All states have adopted the UCC in some form, Louisiana was the last with Title 10)

    Traffic Court is a "person aka corporation"… a for profit business.

    Know thyself.
    What is done in the dark will always come to light.

    Use IRS Form 3949-A for possible unreported tax events from Traffic Court and their employees.

    Bình luận
  5. Oh I got ya right here.. let's due away with speeding tickets all the way around. Instead of a ticket what we can actually do is put them in county jail. Let's say for each three miles per hour over the speed limit anyone gets caught you get one month in county for each three miles per hour over.

    Hint hint
    Quit letting people pay their way out of situations that they themselves control. It's not right to endanger lives around you just because your wallet can afford the fine.

    Bình luận
  6. Hey there…I got a speeding ticket near Glencoe Ontario…a very rural area..the officer was going the opposite direction in which I was travelling. She turned around caught up to me and pulled me over. She claimed that It appeared I was going faster than normal, and when I questioned this she then said she got me on radar. My question:..Does not this type of radar have to be set up first?…I am assuming that she simply cant just press a button to an oncoming vehicle?…Since traffic is so light and OPP cops are hardly ever around It doesnt make sense that she would be patrolling the area for speeders.

    Bình luận
  7. guys i need help, so i got caught speeding doing 85 on a 65 but on the ticket he didn’t fill out “Speed approx” “P.F./ max speed” and he didn’t check the “Radar/ lidar unit/ patrol vehicle No.” so i’m wondering if i can just get it automatically dismissed cause of that, any help please and thank you in advance !

    Bình luận
  8. I am just wondering how the police prove that the speed he recorded on radar was my speed and not the other cars ?
    Basically I was passing a car on 55 mph he was going 43-45 mph because he kept stepping on breaks .few years back a guy just slammed on his breaks 2x wanted me to hit his old car to get money from insurance but my car was Mercedes Ml 4matic and I was able to stop . So now any cars driving unsafe or with loads in their truck i rather pass if it’s safe to do so .
    It was one of those who driving way under speed limits and when you passing them they get intimidated and then speeds up !
    I was planing to only pass him and go back to the line in front of of him there were 2 cars in front of of him the first car was going slow so we all went around 43mph on 55 mph it was 10 pm no other cars around . When I was passing I accelerated to 55 mph but the car in front of me speeded up so fast to close the gap ! That’s where I think the cop got the 74 mph of the other car saying it was my speed because I was passing him and than because there were lights of incoming traffic I speed up to 63 mph to safely get back to my line.
    Which I admitted to the cop because I said my Mercedes computer showing max speed 63mph and average speed 27mph only !!! from the start of my trip around 10 miles until then ,so obviously I only speeded up to 63mph for around 3 seconds to avoid collision because the person next to me closed my gap on purpose and i had to get in front of the cars to safety get in . My instructor in New York 21 years ago told me I can drive over speed limit in case of danger for short time to avoid a collision.
    This cop said no speeding is speeding and he said im arguing I said I want to see the radar he said he is not going to do that because it’s unsafe on side of the road, but i guess safe to give me ticket and passing 3 cars over 100 mph to give me the ticket 🎫 because he was parked on side of the road facing forward so not sure how he measured the speed ? He was inside of his car when all 4 of us passed ,he then turned his blue lights and speed up passing everyone .
    I saw the cop on side of the road but I had no choice to speed up at that point to avoid incoming traffic 🤷🏻‍♂️I guess passing 3 cars doesn’t look good so I pulled over . First comment from the cop 👮 was he said “ the speed limit is not fast enough for you huh ?! “
    If he had a radar he knew the first car was going 43mph on 55 mph speed limit and at first I was going the speed limit 55mph , but than I had no choice because the car in front of me speeded up to over 63 mph.
    I drove the same road 11 years to work and to my girlfriend so that’s over 7000 times I passed that spot he said he has been there over 14 years so he would of got me before if I intentionally like to speed .
    This is my first speeding ticket 🎫 in the car in hawaii in 11 years living here . If the cop sees it he could give me warning due to circumstances I explained but I guess he want reach his quota. When I said I am volunteer firefighter 🧑‍🚒 he turned it to negative said than I should know what i did was unsafe!!! 👮 saying the one passing 3 cars over 100 mph to rush to give me ticket 🎫 and didn’t care the car in front of me basically caused me to get ticket and probably laughed that he did that !!
    He drove faster than me . I only got 3 tickets pass 21 years all 3 were caused by driver driving slowly than speeded up . they got a way and I got ticket for that 🪠💩
    Time to get a dash camera !!!

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