Scale By the Bay 2019 is held on November 13-15 in sunny Oakland, California, on the shores of Lake Merritt: Join us!
Creating a popular open-source library such as Ammonite, FastParse, or Scalatags is a lot more than just writing Scala code. This talk will explore both the code and non-code aspects of building such a library: designing the public API, the role of tests/documentation, and how to think about the three tensions of consistency, transparency, and intuitiveness that often pull your API design in different directions. From this talk you will hopefully learn everything about designing a library apart from writing code.
Haoyi is a software engineer, previously at Dropbox, currently working at Bright Technology Services, a data-science and software engineering consultancy. He is the author of many open source libraries, and an early contributor to the Scala.js ecosystem.
In addition to the talk, in SF we’ll do the first ever AHA: Ask Haoyi Anything! If there’s one Scala enthusiast globally advancing functional programming for full stack, and solving all problems along the way so they become fun and not even problems, that’s Haoyi. Now that he’s based in Singapore, we’re lucky to have him in town.
李盛武,李孝武不在,李弘毅也无需要在 !!!
我和熊走出新加坡才谈 !!!
你堂哥?也是 IT 专才 !!!
Nicely captured the challenges of building,documenting and maintaining libraries. Fully agree with layered approach as it serves both newbie and advanced users.