Responsive Website Design Using HTML CSS And JavaScript ? | Website Restaurant Light/Dark mode
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⏱ Timestamps
0:00 Intro
3:15 Project setup
4:27 Variables css, reset html, css reusable
8:08 Header
17:37 Scroll top
21:00 Home
24:02 About
26:41 Services
31:00 Menu
35:22 App
37:29 Contact us
38:57 Footer
44:10 Media queries
50:38 Light/Dark mode
58:47 ScrollReveal animation
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Joakim Karud
Song: JayJen & Osheen – Holiday
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported
Video Link:
Song: LiQWYD – Birthday
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported
Video Link:
Song: Xad – Birds (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
#responsive #website #htmlcss
how you made movil-app.png ??? 36:34
thanks man keep helping and motivating (means a LOT)
thank u so much, for this tutorial🤝
Mano seras de Peru? Por cierto excelentes tutos aprendiendo cada vez mas de programacion web gracias a ti
Love this channel… love how perfectly you use the BEM methodology
Hello There, your video is amazing.. thanks for great tutorial
I wanna ask you when select link to add active link class you use a[href*=], what the meaning of *= ? Is it necessary?
Thanks, love from Indonesia
How to download best images for website
Tengo un compañero que utilizo esta misma página para un proyecto en el cole XDDDD.
Você é brasileiro?
Next level bro 🙂 keep it up
thanks video
in the next tutorial pls add search control, cart, hotline, thank a lot
Hi , how do you get the basic code snipped? is there any vscode extention or did you have code already?
Do you have any live preview from this website?
How much does it cost to build if I want to build a website like this?
Your vert brilliant man
please tell me the theme ur using in the editor.
How you getting into <p>food</p>?
Thank you for sharing it, it was very helpful to me ❤️❤️
can we use this for portfolio project?
Wow what is your laptop because I'm going to buy a laptop for learn coding
Thanks for thí lesson 🙏🔥💖
Muito bom!
Amoizong toutoriol