Login and Registration – ASP.Net WEB API and React JS
Hi, In this video tutorial I will show you about the Login and Registration functionality in asp.net mvc web api using React JS. In this video tutorial
We will create Asp.net web api project and react js project. We will also add Login and registraion controller methods which will help us to get Login and registraion from the sql server database. To achieve this, we will create a sql server database and a table containing some dummy user credentials and we will use the same credentials later on. This video tutorial is going to be very useful for all of you.
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Points discussed :
– How to setup new asp.net web api project
– How to setup new react js project
– How to create a new database in sql server
– How to create a new table in sql server
– How to add web api controller in web api project
– How to add Login and register methods in web api project
– How to add Login and register post apis in react js project
– How to send data from react js to web api controller
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Thanks for watching. ?? ??
where is the details of sql server. That is not mentioned in the video. pls help any one. How to connect sql sever
You are the best
sir how to go next page after login
what theme are you using for vscode? i really like it
could u please the share the source code
Thank you bro @ 02:48 Am 👻😊
Completed & works fine.. how to deploy both frontend backend in Github pages..?? anyone help me..
Thank you this really helped
hello, i need code of this project , please share if you have, its urgent .
How to redirect the page if login successfully ??
nice bro
Saved my life bro, thanks so much!
Men, you save my jobbbbbbb, thankkkyyyooouuuuuuu
There is no web.config in 2022 visual studio🥲 what to do now?
Thank you brother
I have tried doing this program and I am almost at the end of it but it's showing Network Error:Axios error can you provide a solution for it your help will be appreciated..
I can't add a controller in VS 2022, any solution?
its showing localhost axioxError
Here we are running both frontend and backend to work the application, is it possible to make the application only by running the frontend
One of the best video i have seen…u have explained everything in detailed keeping UI sober & simple. Thanks again
at 35:00 …i got Axios error: Network Error… please help
Can you tell me how to do it on VS 20222, the folders are different
Super your information is very benifit for me thanks
can you share the file?
Hi Sir! Please make a tutorial to host/deploy our front end and backend on cloud for full fledge working…with cloud db