Learn how to make a playlist on YouTube, and the simple tweaks you can make to get MORE YouTube playlist views, fast and easy!
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— How to Make a Playlist on YouTube (and get MORE YouTube Playlist Views!) —
Learning how to make a YouTube Playlist is a crucial process when it comes to leveling up your YouTube brand and YouTube Channel.
Clear and organised YouTube Playlists can easily make your YouTube channel look more professional, making your content more accessible and a lot easier for people to BINGE – ultimately helping you increase your watch time and grow an audience!
But not only that, with a few simple tweaks and keyword optimization, they also provide an awesome opportunity to RANK your content, generate MORE views and subscribers with very little additional work.
In this video I’ll show you how to create a YouTube playlist from start to finish, and exactly how to optimize your new playlists to get more views on YouTube!
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how i can create a playlist as a creater ?
cant find
Hello, how did you add a playlist in your description beside the views that is clickable?
🎉Can I reorder The YouTube Video Playlists under the playlist tab without creating a new section on the homepage of my YouTube Channel?
thank you great video
i am using this amazing feature for… a hampter movie
I do everything from my Android cellphone. Can I do my PLAYLISTS this way, or do I HAVE TO use a stinking computer for it. I was GOOD on XP PRO but my Laptop has Windows 10 on it and it's not worth dropping in the trash can, compared to what COULD BE DONE on XP Pro, so I hardly EVER use it.
Justin is the man!
You can no longer add playlists by selecting youtube studio and playlists as there is no option, any ideas how to now add them, they must have changed the process?
He gets to it at 1:28
▼ UPDATE ▼ Playlists can now be found by selecting CONTENT in the left sidebar, then selecting PLAYLIST from the Menu at the top 🙂
thank you for sharing ideas and technique…
Great and valuable content
Your channel has great tutorials, I have been following, really strategic and it helped me a lot. Thanks for always sharing!
Great video! How often do the "views" counter update on a playlist? Does that number represent how many individuals viewed your playlist or how many videos in you playlist they've watched?
great info.
insightful and very impactful.
thanks for sharing.
Remain blessed.
This is good video!!! All of the things I am applying is slowly matching my channel grow
thanks for the linking tip, I am doing a series inspired by another creator, and do credit them with that in my description, but did not know about the linking bit, thank you for that
Love your work. Your really good.
Do I get more views?
Sir I cannot find the advanced setting in the settings option
I did everything but set my playlist as a series because it doesn't give me that option 😕 Maybe the settings changed? please help that's all i need to do😩
Thank you so much for the clear, concise video. Just made a couple playlists and the home page looks better already. Best wishes with your channel.
Thanks for the video. I am a Brazilian artist and I have a question, can I promote this playlists at Youtube Ads or Google Ads Research?
This is my first time setting up a playlist. This was very helpful! Thank you.