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Gravity is a Lie, Nothing is Real, the Universe is Electric
Since grade school, we’ve been taught that gravity is what keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground, but what if that’s all been a lie?
I’m not saying if you jump off a bridge, you fall up, instead of down. But what if Newton and Einstein were wrong and what *really* ties our universe together is not gravity, but electricity?
The Electric Universe Theory says that, instead of gravity, the universe’s *true* attractive force comes from invisible electric currents that surround our planet, our solar system, the galaxy and… everything. We are all living in one, giant, universe-spanning circuit.
Mainstream science ignores this possibility. But ignoring the electric universe blinds us to an unknown risk.
The myths of our ancestors describe cataclysmic, global disasters in the distant past.
They knew about the electric universe too, not from science, but from experience. And our ancestors have sent us a strange, but dire warning:
Beware the shocking fury of planet Saturn.
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Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky
Mankind in Amnesia by Immanuel Velikovsky
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Humped 😂
sounds like you're just talking about the force to be fair.
Fantastic episode
Antarctica vid plz
00:16:35 nope… Saturn-Earth binary didn't orbit the sun.
If you read the myths, you'll see that Earth (and Mars) was inside the glowing sphere of the brown dwarf aka proto-Saturn. This 'star' entered the electrical sphere of the sun and EQUILLIBRIUM took place. Saturn was extinguished to a gas giant. Earth and Mars were tossed out. Venus (and lots of flood water) were kicked out at this point. And the stars were revealed. And Mars oscillated between Venus and Earth in a deadly circuit. I didn't like this concept for a decade… now I'm hooked.
You are 100% correct about censorship of science being about power and money.
It’s high time you did flat earth
I feel like they're getting into teleportation, time travel, and not just teleportation from new York to Italy, but across the universe.
Where is the math behing all that?
Man the mythology section of this video was amazing, it's crazy fun to imagine what the skies looked like in other eras and how much they affected our ancestors culture and myths
Best episode yet. I don't think it was inter planetary lightning, when the sun has a super flare or micro nova, it compresses earths magnetosphere and a discharge occurs. This was the best episode yet, thanks guys.
Thanks! That's so very true about science and thank you for saying that
Saturn was seen as a sun because it was what we called a star except for the nuclaircampfire nonsens.
The sun is a positve anode in a negative energy stream.
Then the stargate scenes where they travel through the worm hole means they’re traveling in the corridor.
That could explain "ascension". People think they will ascend into the clouds. When earths electricity shorts out, we will float.😏
Not saying the electric universe is correct…but when the establishment uses their buzzwords…some fuckery is afoot.
I always love this channel, but this video is exceptionally amazing. It is sad how alternate ideas how treated.
Of course it's all a lie. That is what brought on "simulation" theory, or we live in a simulation. When the story changes, they cover their ass, everytime.
The Scientific community has turned into the old Catholic Church 😢
Youre a conspiracy theorist, holocau… denier! Cancelled subscription!: /s <— hopefully people ger this!
Can u do enki and enlil it’s gonna hurt a lot of people tho
Oooooh the Left is not going to like this video that shows censorship isn’t the way to go and critical thinking is advised😂
Watch “Thunderbolts of the Gods” if you want a more detailed version of this.
I recommend Nicola Tesla for the next episode. 😉
He was one of the most suppressed scientist of his time.
Thanks another great episode. 🙏
You did a good job. Without one single proof, creating a large amount of finest word salat..
Another spectacular video and, as always, the last 5 or so minutes was the well prepared meat and potatoes main course! I always want to know more from the people who are being silenced! The politicians who get the most ridicule from celebrities are probably the very ones we need running things! The scientists that are literally laughed at by universities are probably the one we need teaching us things!
Maybe not. Maybe they genuinely are crack pots, but we'll never know if we never get to hear from them, if they all get silenced…
🧐🤔🥸🙌Why hoof it when you can Hump it so much better and in style. Leather, chaps and spurs come equipped on ride share😁😂
So is Fauci a "scientist" or a fraudulent scammer ??
This is such an amazing channel. I love it and have recommended it to my family friends. I would really enjoy an episode on the paranormal and supernatural. Are there ghosts, creatures, fairies etc.
One of my favorite episodes
Everything we know or think we can know is wrong , only people far in the future can know, in between laughing at our "science".
It would make sense, electromagnetism is why our planets remain in orbit and spin, our cores are made of metal and our sun is made up of pure gamma radiation that electromagnetically pulls objects towards itself but much like how a magnets electromagnetic energy can only feed so far without losing its pull the reason we're not pulled into the sun is due to the correct electromagnetic waves created on both positive and negative outputs, also our planer is clumped up by metal and dirt so, but my evidence is Mars, it's magnetic energy is weak and the planet is dead as a result, this said gravity is merely the electromagnetic force created once an object spins force into motion.
Worst video y'all ever done
I am so excited every time I see a new video. AND to boot, this one included plasma and Velikovsky. I’m absolutely thrilled! Bravo!
Carl Sagan is a RAT. He was part of the gatekeepers that censored Velikovski.
Velikovski was RIGHT about everything.
You forgot to mention that it was Carl Sagan that led the charge against Velikovsky. It appears that Mr. Sagan didn’t live by his own words.
The truth is out there or is it all within…
YES, Venus was a comet. It still has a comet tail.
Gravity is total nonsense
Tesla knew all about this from of free energy, but the government and investors didn’t want to know about it .
Protecting people from disinformation IS NOT CENSORSHIP!!!! By that ridiculous reasoning, you should be perfectly OK with someone telling your developing child COMPLETE LIES throughout their development. Are you telling us you would be OK with that? If you aren't, then you are being a massive hypocrite! Also, you claim that the detractors to these PSEUDOSCIENCE ideas are hostile in their detraction, yet, every time you mention climate change, your sidetrack calls people "sheep." Is this supposed to be funny? What if I find it "hostile?" You guys are being so incredibly HYPOCRITICAL that you don't even realize you are doing it!!!! That's how lacking in objectivity this is. It was so clear from the very beginning of this video that this was going to be an eye-roller. I have to say that this was honestly THE WORST and MOST EGREGIOUS video I have seen on this channel to date. Just out of curiosity, how TF does "aether" allow information to travel instantaneously between two points in space? WHAT IS THE MECHANISM? If you can not describe how this work, and can't even point to the existence of this "aether" any more than you can point to the existence of "dark matter," why are we supposed to accept "aether" as a valid explanation for anything? WHY? Also, let me let you in on a little secret…the vast majority of scientists DO NOT make a lot of money. This idea that scientists can not be objective about what they are doing because of the influence of money is the ramblings of someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. People like Elon Musk are the ones who lie about science to make money. SCIENTISTS DO NOT. You spit in the face of scientists every time you make that ridiculous statement on this channel. I seriously need to stop watching this crap! It angers me so much to have someone who doesn't know what they are talking about talking this much nonsense and attempting to justify it by claiming that any dissention is censorship. LIES CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO PROPAGATE AMONGST THE SCIENTIFICALLY ILLITERATE. You are not doing society any faavors trying to push this nonsense! You might as well just post Flat Earth content!
You know they haven't done a damn thing since the 1920s . After suppressing Royal rife research and his cure for cancer. Our medical field is a f**** joke. It's a f**** scheme. How do I know that? You can't cure things with chemicals! Thats all the pharmaceutical industry provides. Pharmakea is a form of witchcraft like it says in the bible. And you think all of these atheists physicists are going to actually come up with anything? They're too busy arguing about each other's theories in their imagination. nothing but a bunch of hacks. It was the evidence does point to God they do everything they can to not acknowledge it