Be amazed by the Gladiator spider’s hunting tactics.
In the world of spiders, the web is not only a trap but also used to preserve the catch.
An in-depth look at the versatile functions of the spider’s protein-based silken tool.
Wild Hunters is a spectacular journey around the world in search of nature’s deadliest predators. Felines, snakes and bears alike fight each day for survival, using a fascinating combination of their biological weapons and hunting strategies to their advantage in an exhilarating show of raw power, strength and endurance. An awe-inspiring close-up of the fierce, everyday life in the wild.
Wild Hunters on National Geographic Wild UK ?
Available to watch in the UK on Sky, Virgin Media, TalkTalk, and BT.
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You just know it's there, not what kind or how big.
We so lucky to watch these 2:57
Some spiders live on their web and some live in burrow?
They didn't even discuss the carpet or funnel web types.
I believe the ancient Egyptians would observe how spiders would wrap their prey to preserve them and thus, the idea of MUMMIFICATION!
I think the way he uses his web to catch food is interesting
Wao that,s why there is a lot of film movies about spider, cus of the history & amazed about it!
this is so cool
The silk factory is in the spiders ass….
Oh okay
Abdomen, gotcha
Cool dode 😆
Knitting vibes man
POV: You're here bc your teacher told you to do a project on spiders
What do most spiders die of?
It looks like they mostly just end.
30 April 2020
The Guy Below is Pretty cool!
All spiders are evil
Need a ton in scotland for the midge but then ild have to deal with spiders
No sleep for me even doe I’m going to go back to school tomorrow
Me when I click on the vid: yes
Me when I’m watching: nope nope nope nope
54th comment
I have arachnophobia WHY do I do this to myself?!!
Alright, Ive lost my way in the internet. Where am I?
Nonce spider
Grounded players be like "LEARN EVERYTHING
With a web
This is gonna fuck up my sleep schedule, but i dont care😹
The only advert I’ve ever clicked on and it’s not selling me anything yay
Amazing. And the cinematography too!
Poor and vague narrating. Please watch some david Attenborough videos and take lessons