In this tutorial I will show you how to download faster in the Brave browser.
Follow these steps to increase your download speed in Brave:
1. Open up a new tab.
2. Type in “brave://flags”
3. Search for “parallel downloading”.
4. Where it says “Default” click on it, and select “Enabled”.
5. Then click on “Relaunch” on the lower right.
That’s it, now your download speed should be increased.
Video Clips & Images: Videoblocks, Pixabay, Pexels, Videvo
Music: YouTube Audio Library, Audioblocks
Music: TeknoAXE – Synthwave E
License: Creative Commons
Music: Jesse Gallagher – Tratak
Source: YouTube Audio Library
Music: Density & Time – Water Lillies
Source: YouTube Audio Library
#tutorial #bravebrowser #download
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🔥 🔥
thank you
gawd bro ur a life saver
thank you.
This site can't be reached
thank bro
I'm wondering if ther is on android brave browser in this menu a option to activate the save all open tabs in a file ect hidden menu, like the windows browser it have. 🤔
Nice that menu is also on android brave browser.
Android Version? 🤔
thanks man, i went from 4 mbps to 70+
Thanks from India 🇮🇳
thanks bro you deserve a thumbs up and subscribe
It's work really thanxs bro ❤❤❤
Thanks, from Brazil.
doubles my speed it actually works
wow thanks
km hogyi benchhodd
dont work
thanks bro!!
I appreciate how you got straight to the information and didn't make me sit through a long intro, that rocks! Cheers to you for the great info.
300Mbps wifi speed and geting 36KB/s downloding speed.
can u help me to fix server bc my download speed is still same
thanks 👍 it works
its still downloading with 300 kb per second and i usually download games from launchers 10mb per second
thanks first ever youtuber that helps