Tauri is a tool for building cross-platform desktop apps on Windows, MacOS, and Linux with JavaScript & Rust. It is very lightweight and fast compared to similar tools like Electron.
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? Topics Covered
– Tauri tutorial
– How to build a desktop app with JavaScript
– Electron vs Tauri
– Electron.js Alternative
– Windows app with JS
– Linux app with JS
– MacOS app with JS
full tutorial!!!!!
Now got something done in one hour where I struggled two days with electron-forge and electron-builder. I am switching to Tauri. Electron is simply absolutely horrible in terms of development experience.
Hi, if anyone could tell me this I will be so gratefull… How is the development experience against flutter? And how is the performance of the final executable against flutter? What criteria can I use for deciding to build a project with Flutter or Tauri
Thank you for making computing and software so completely understandable for the novices
I'm currently using this for a Windows desktop application which talks to Microsoft Flight Simulator for use in a virtual economy with a backend also written in Rust 😀
Yes plz do a full tutorial.
Want full tutorial playlist bro
I wish Discord would switch to Tauri. The Electron app they use is pretty bad most of the time, especially on Linux.
And still it uses npm or npx?
pls make full tutorial
Great overview (as usual!!!) – your vids/tutorials are always extremely helpful… 🙂
Question – what's the best/preferred tool (Tauri, Electron, other) for building an OS-agnostic desktop app that can run 1..n SQL scripts against a database, capture the output results and save them as individual files on the installed machine?
Full tutorial please 💪🙌
Does it exist already a technology better than tauri to develop desktop apps?
Woooooow cool yes full tutorial please!
Also, dude I sincerely feel like we would be fast friends. God damn I love your effing content!
Seems like a very powerful tool. A Tutorial will be great.
I would like full tutorial on tauri using Astro and solid
nope nope nope Oat++ is better, although these are different things but Oat++ is better
Still, 180MB is too much on my potato machine 🙁
omg, yess to a full king tut’orial 🙌🏽 i am just beginning to put my 👞 through the 🚪 of programming + i’m finally grasping the high~level overview of what a program/app even is ~ in essence, a portal that displays ‘x’ database where a user may interact w/ that database through a gui that alters the database per the user’s wishes, where the program/app then re-saves the db + outputs its current state ~ these jam🍇packed 100 seconds showed the actual implementation of creating that program/process but using the language i’d like to dive deep w/ ~ rust 🦀
I love these types of videos, insane amount of info condensed nicely in a brief video, with practical examples! Thank you for making those!
Yes we do want to see a full tutorial!!!👀👀🔥
What if we took vscode’s source code and made it compatible with taowry
I'm just curious, is there a way to just write it in Rust?
(I guess that it wouldn't be cross-platform then… But still – I'm searching for some tutorials on that and that's how I found this video)
180 mb…
Better than electron, no bloated chromium, no high cpu usage, no high memory usage.
Did you said something about full tutorial?!
It seems I have an excuse to learn rust now..
you can do ios/android apps now!
would definitely love to see a full tutorial on this, sounds great
Full tutorial pls
i give up
Would really love to see a full tutorial