How To Create Random-Name-Picker App In HTML CSS And Javascript | Name Picker | Unstoppable Coding
Hi everyone, I’m Kapil Kumar, a student at IIT Guwahati! In this video, I’ll show you how to create a Random Name Picker using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript!
In this project, you’ll create a simple app where you can input a list of names, and with just one click on the “Pick a Name” button, the app randomly selects a name from your list. It’s a perfect tool for lucky draws, team selection, classroom activities, or any situation where you need to pick a random name quickly and fairly.
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I am trying to know how to link the index page with the JavaScript page . Also what should I do to see the output while I am codinge JavaScript at visual studio code? Much appreciated if you can provide me with feedback please and thanks for your efforts in making this amazing video
Great bro
Bhai me solo learn se visited kiya
Nice one