What’s the best way to get new customers for your local marketing agency? That’s just what I share in this video.
Plus, I show you an easy service you can use to make an extra $2K a month (and sometimes much more). Whether you have a digital marketing agency… online marketing… or just getting started… this will show you what it really takes to close more deals.
Nick Ponte
Free $2K+ A Month Training:
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My Local Marketing Agency
Education & Coaching Offline Sharks LLC
Link mentioned in the training! => http://offlinesharks.com/couponlife
Well done Nick
Hey Nick, I'm curious, have you guys tried running ads? I see a lot of videos about outreach and can't help but wonder why. I understand it for people new in the industry but you're established. I'm personally sick of doing outreach myself and would rather focus on inbound marketing, even if it means running ads. Have you tried ads? I'm sure you can take over Hawaii pretty easily with it. I'm going to try your directory strategy anyways, eventually, but right now I need to build an inbound funnel. I never understand why more agencies don't run ads, but I guess it can be too expensive?
So many massive corporations and big chain restaurants have made a killing over the last year thanks to covid.
As a result small businesses have had to close.
This is a great way to stick it to the man and really support local businesses.
Regardless of the money to be made, this is a fantastic way to support small local businesses.
Nice going Nick
Awesome video, Nick. Coupons when used correctly are, without question, the most powerful form of lead generation. Who doesn't like to save money? That's what coupons do.
I've been printing coupons for clients for decades. They always work. The only caution I tell my clients is to not be a "race to the bottom" with discounts. Make sure you know your numbers. Don't give a discount where you lose profit on every sale.
Printed coupons were (and still are) great. I can only imagine how much better digital coupons will be. Thanks for making us aware of a great product.