How to Start A YouTube Channel: Step-by-Step for Beginners from your iPad.
Hi everyone! Today I will show you how to make a YouTube Channel from you iPad easy and very explanatory without using voice over and not making video too long. Please tell me in the comment below what do you think about the video. Your opinion matters a lot to me. Thanks
First you have to open safari browser from you iPad / iPhone and then type in
In the upper right corner of the page click SIGN IN button and the log in page will appear. In this page you have to click the Create account button and from here you will have two options “For myself” or “To manage my business”. I chose the option For myself and the next page with Create your Google Account has been displayed.
In this page you have to choose “Create a Gmail account instead” if you don’t have a gmail account already.If you already have a Gmail account just type it and but be aware that you may need to access your account after.
Now you have to type your First name, Last name, the desired email name (if your desired name is not available please try again with with a more complex name including numbers in it will help a lot) and the last thing is to write you password. On the password you have to use Capital letters and some numbers and signs to create a complex password.
By pressing the next button you will land in the next page where to secure you account you can add your Phone number (optional), Recovery email address (optional), Your Birthday and Your Gender. I did not fill the optional fields because is a test account but if you leave them empty you can add them later on.
The next page in the process is agreeing the Privacy and Terms from Google. Click the arrow from the bottom of the page three times and then click “I agree to the Google Terms of service” and “I agree to the processing of my information as described above and further explained in the Privacy Policy”. Then click the Create Account and just Confirm it.
You are almost done with the process. You have to create your YouTube account setting now. In the upper right corner of the page click on the Icon that will start with your name from the email account you just created and then click “Your channel” and the page “Use YouTube as…” will be display.
There you have to write down you desire name of your YouTube account and click CREATE CHANNEL. Now your YouTube account was created.
Congratulations if you have arrived here!!! If you fail, resume the video from the end step by step and try again. If you do not succeed after you tray again can write to me in the comments and I will try to help you.
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Thank you for watching my video and please subscribe to my channel.
I don’t know????????? how you did that
Is it just me or does someone else not have that button?
thank you
What is that app between photos and settings
I got a YouTube channel already
What app is that
I bet this video will help me gf
Super your video very useful
I might start one it’s gonna be called singing songs when I make it pls go and check it out I think I will make tonight or tomorrow
I already have a YouTube channel
Real or fake
This is like the iPad 10 or something
How do you do numbnails on ipad
The fact they made their password password
Really needed that thanks so much
Ty it helped
Good work
It won’t let me
that work on my ipqd tysm!!
Thanks for the advice