Google Analytics YouTube Tutorial to Supercharge Your YouTube channel Growth. Google Analytics can give you insights on your best performing videos and show you where your new subscribers are coming from.
In this post you will learn how to sign up for Google Analytics and create the tracking code you need to install on your YouTube Channel. Now why do this you may ask? Doesn’t YouTube already give us more data than we know what to do with in our channel dashboards… well turn out not quite. There is one element that YouTube analytics oddly overlooks: Your Channel Page. On a side note, I can’t believe it took me so long to put together a Google Analytics YouTube tutorial for you guys.
This step by step guide will show why Google Analytics is important, and how you can install Google Analytics in YouTube Chanel so you understand what videos are driving the most subscribers to your business. We want to know what videos are getting people to your channel page. Most subs will come from channel page so knowing the kinds of videos that are giving you the best referrals….
This is important because it will tell you which of your videos are getting you the most traffic to your channel page. In your channel analytics you can easily see video what time statics and how many subscribers each video gets.
What the analytics don’t tell you is what has happened on your channel page. Since most of your subscribers will come from your channel page it’s very important to install this code now so you can see over time which videos drive the most traffic to your channel page.
Plus, you’ll be able to craft future videos that are better tailored to the audience you want to attract to your channel. The data Google Analytics gives you about your YouTube channel page will insure you segment your content correctly.
When you segment, it makes it easy to send your data to Google Analytics (and lots of other destinations). Segmenting your YouTube videos insures you balance the kind of subscribers you get so that your audience growth is balanced.
You can begin to optimize your channel page to get more subs and views because analytics will tell you which videos get clicked on the most from your channel page, which means you can remove the duds and push better performing videos to the top! Let’s dive in to the Google Analytics YouTube tutorial.
If you want to learn how to sign up for Google Analytics and integrate it on your website, check out this video:
Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.
Thanks for the info.
Hey Jason, should I have a different account for my website and my youtube channel or should I use the same ID? Thanks, Eric
cool did not know this, hope this is helpful to get better direction