? Free e-book “The Blueprint For Insanely Successful Webflow Designers” ?
One of the most common questions I get on Youtube and Instagram is – “Why do you use Figma? Why don’t you just start in Webflow right away?”.
Level up your web design skills in Figma with our course, Figma for Web Designers ?
⚡Work faster in WEBFLOW using this style guide. Download here ?
The reasons are innumerable. For starters, Webflow is a development platform (even if their canvas is called the “Designer”). It’s meant to “build out” your website. It’s meant for you to bring an already-existing design to life. Webflow allows you to bring logic to your web design.
Starting with Webflow can considerably slow down your entire process as design experimentation can be a real pain in the Webflow Designer. Not only do you have to worry about what the design experiment is, but you also have to think about how you’re going to execute it. Whereas on something like Figma, Adobe XD or Sketch, you can seamlessly move, change and alter things fluidly and with ease.
Start with Figma/XD/Sketch and thank me later.
00:00 Intro
00:44 3 main reasons
1:50 An example
5:15 Getting feedback
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#webdesign #Webflow #Figma
Thanks for watching the video!
Thank you!!
Thank you for this
So here is my question. I watched your video on "Relume" and bit the bullet on paying for the $30+ dollar subscription for it. I exported to both Figma and Webflow. Although I did like the Webflow transition better, which one (if you had to pick) would you actually and honestly suggest using when doing mockups from Relume?
this prob saved tons of Working Hours! THX ALOT! 😄
Figma balls
Thank you
Great video ❤
I use Adobe Muse for design layout options. Ya! Ya! I KNOW Adobe doesn't support it anymore but It still works.
What if I design in Figma doesn't work in Webflow? Don't I need to know the limitations of webflow?
when you have finished the design on figma and you want to move it to webflow,can you automatically upload it or? or you have to do it manually and basically remake it ?
You saved my time! I get a clear picture why I should start with design tool before developing a site.
I was wondering can we create websites with canva too?
Makes sense to start with a less constrained design tool like Figma, but can't we get something similar in Webflow? I'm no expert, so it seems that in Figma we're just laying out elements with absolute positioning and the auto-snapping and alignment functions in Figma help us for the constraints that we do want. Wouldn't it be possible to start in Webflow adding elements with absolute positioning within a container the same size we'd use in Figma? Perhaps we can create a class that sets the absolute positioning on the elements if that's not available by default. And for grouping and alignment we select and… I don't know, wrap in a predefined div?
Just thinking that maybe Webflow not imposing all such constraints, we're just fixated that with that tool we have to use them… a mindset issue, not a tool issue.
Affinity Designer has a raster "persona" and a "vector" persona, Webflow has a "developer mode" and a "preview" mode… I suspect one could have a "Creative" mode too.
Going through a group project right now in uni and I made the mistake of starting through code instead of thoroughly thinking out a design with the help of Figma, experiencing this so hard right now
I disagree. I always design responsively in Webflow.
What about the cost in time of doing the same work twice – essentially?
I wish I found this sooner spent 6 hours today redesigning 2 sections 😂😂😂
This highlights the stupidity of web flow. If Figma would have the ability to publish a website, that would be all we would do. Instead, we sit there like Schmucks designing and figma, and then tediously copying that same design into web flow. What is the point of that?
I understand if you're using something like EditorX which is basically a Figma style designer, to intentionally use something that is essentially coding, going to have to do the design step twice, why would you put yourself through that?
I totally agree with that experimentation part 🙌.
If you are solo and just learning…ignore this video because Figma is a team app
100% hit the nail it.
hey Ron, now figma won't work since adobe thing happened, what do you recommend in place of it or to go right into webflow?
Top videos, very helpful! Thank you
Perfect Video Ran! Thank u for giving such important advices!
Could not agree more! Great video! 🙂
The arguments for using Figma made more sense in 2020. 2x the work is a lot of work. Duplicating pages and direct links for clients is easy in Webflow, for comparing and contrasting ideas with clients. If there are so many design ideas that Figma becomes worth it, then I suggest revisiting the creative brief and resist the temptation to go straight to play time.
Can you freelance with just webflow under your belt though and what’s the process of developing for a client?
Can you export your design from Figma into Webflow? If importing into Webflow isn't an option, how do you identify all of the numerous characteristics (font, font size, font color, spacing verticallyhorizontally etc…) in Figma so you can replicate in Webflow?
A website is a defined herarchycal structure based on HTML. Figma is just a design tool that gives only directives to developers about the design but doesn't help developer at all. I worked with designers that don't even know anything about HTML creating design that many times don't respect the Web constraints and limitations,. accessibility problems, multidevice support, connectivity issues and so on. Figma is a toy and there are many tools and solutions you can play with to get the same result. The content created by Figma are just canvas. It's not a tool for the web.
I disagree. Of course come in with a plan, like a sketch, even designing in adobe illustrator, or wherever you design digitally. Once I have a sketch/plan/map, I like working in webflow simultaneously with designing digitally elsewhere, because it's easier for me to see how animations will play out, what it actually looks like within containers, etc.
For sure, after you start in webflow and build whole site, client said you he want to change UI for another UI
You start with figma? I thought you start with react then put to figma? No??
2:40 The second I realize how much rougher it would be to try iterating in Webflow alone.
Figma balls lol
Can someone please explain to me why we need adobe xd or figma instead of just creating this layout on adobe illustrator or in affinity designer? Whats the purpose of XD? To just create your webpage layout and idea, right? Then you essentially still have to manually upload your images etc to the webflow. Am I missing something here? What makes XD so special? Lol
clearly been said. Thanks Ran.
You're 100% correct.
I have been preaching this for decades, obviously WELL before Webflow! NEVER "design" in a Site Builder — use the right tools for the right job.
“If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks as if it were a nail.” — Abraham Maslow
Can you export the design from figma into webflow?
Strongly agree I like to use illustrator then export as assets you can have all of them in 1 doc
Perfect! – True Say.
Thaks god I saw this before starting to build my portfolio on webflow directly.
I start with weed lmao
Thanks! I was wondering about why not starting directly with webflow!
Why with figma you can't make a complete website?
God bless you for making this video!
Great advice!
ok, but why even continue with webflow? unless all you want is a basic low budget website.