Australia is 50th in the world in terms of upload speeds! This is the new modem and internet connection in Australia called “Home Wireless Broadband”. My internet connection is supplied over the 4G mobile phone/cell phone towers and allows up to speeds of 90mb download and 28mb upload! This is so much better than ADSL2+, Cable, and many other services especially if you’re a YouTuber. This connection might not be the fastest in terms of download but I haven’t seen any internet services you can get for home that is as fast as this for only $60. My internet is supplied via Optus in Melbourne, Australia and is making my YouTube productivity and live stream quality go through the roof. If you’re a YouTuber in Australia this is the BEST connection for your needs.
#australia #techreviews #optus
I have lived in the Sydney CBD since 2016 and where I live has had FTTB aka FIbre To The Basement and then it goes up through the normal phone line. Get 100mpbs down and 40mpbs up.
What about NBN???
F## U dodo you are headache! You're bloody customer service is the worst in the world😡
In rural NSW were my folks live Hunter Valley their on adsl2 but their many kms away from exchange and get 6/0.2 mbps!!!!😔
Blame Julia Gillard foe our half assed fibre network! Fuqin disgrace!!!
my internet says it is "good" but why is it that every day apex legends just has constant 1000 ping
2:02 that's actually not bad for adsl2+
It is November 2020, nearly two years after this video was published, I'm still on adsl2+, my speeds are 5 Mbps download and 0.5 Mbps upload. Yeah, absolutely useless.
On top of that, NBN is not yet ready in my place, 4G is also garbage and 5G is not available.
And no, I don't live in the outback, I'm just 40km away from Sydney CBD
Come on 5g is removing nbn
With a Foxtel modem I ended up getting a max of 44 download mbps and 11 to 12 upload. Is that considered good?
Are you serious?? For $80 a month, my family gets gigabit up/down.. I know that’s high, but we had 100 up/down for as long as I can remember..
How much is the plan? I would really like to know
just tested my nbn, i got 2.5mbps.
good luck getting these speeds during covid.
My Australia internet is 21 mb but i may upgrade to 88mb so we can watch 4K movies on our 8k tv
Just get Huawei back For fk sakes.
Considering we were the ones that created the internet we should at least be in the top 15 z
Aussie broadband gets you 1gb speeds on fttp
Hi Mate Great content。 Im in Australia also and I tried to livestream with vodaphone and it didnt work。 Was so terrible。 Any sugestions whats the best internet provider for mobile live streaming👍
One month Internet fee Australia equals one year cost in China.they even charge you for technician fixing Internet issues🤣🤣🤣and they can’t fix the issue in one day
You should get an LTE antenna to boost the reception and eliminate fluctuations.
So I'm fascinated by how terrible Australia's internet is considering how rich a country it is. So I checked — with Telstra you can get 100 mbps down for ~$75 USD. Granted, that's not great, in the US and Europe you can get gigabit for that price. But still, 100 mbps is pretty fast. So is that just not available to most of the population there? People in major cities literally still using DSL? Why isn't cable everywhere? Didn't Australians watch cable TV in the 90s and 2000s?
Wait, you're in Melbourne and don't have access to cable? Is that normal? Do cable providers there not usually offer internet or you don't have access to cable period? I find this shocking, it's like saying LA has no cable internet.
How to confuse Americans:
Tip for everyone, don't get dodo.
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