Check out another of my videos: “BREAKDOWN: Select and Mask vs. Refine Edge – Photoshop CC”
This is a pretty hotly requested tutorial which I finally sat down and hammered out. How do I setup a link to download a file onto the users computer? That is essentially what we answer in the following video. It is pretty quick, easy, and simple to do. Using the combination of WinZip and Dreamweaver to create a fool-proof way to set it all up.
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Wow, thank you so much man! You have no idea how much you've helped me. Your videos are top notch.
Still refuses every time. Is there something different I gotta do if its an exe file? all it does for me is just stay on for a sec then dissapears even when i go into preview it does nothing
i'm still new at all this, and some1 asked me for my download link and idk what he means :T (i do speedpaints)
We know what browsers do – we're here for a tutorial, not a history lesson. I want to know how to link a download. Erase the first 1:30 min of this and repost…
Blar Blar Blar for nearly two minutes … Why do tutorials NEVER get straight to the point???
thanks sweety :* love u
does this work for a mac?
Good tutorial THX
best tutorials are from this guy!
Thanks for taking time out of your life to help others learn. I for one appreciate it.
Thank you very much Tutvid. it is very helpfull
doesnt work on safari
How to add multiple files at once? do i have to literally create a link for each file?
I know when I did html years ago there was a code that created a table by itself and added all the files to it if i directed the link to the folder containing all the files.
please help I cant remember html(never used it after I learned it).
Thanks so much !!!
Don't ever stop doing tutorials like this !!
hi, i have a mobile downloads website and wheni upload a .sis or .ipa file and click on the download link it gives an error saying THE FILE REQUESTED IS NOT FOUND ON THE SERVER, can you please guide me on how make that file downloadable without converting the file to a .rar file because .rar file downloaded into mobile phone directly doesn't really work.
What if, what I want is a direct download to a file? like pdf, bcuz it's just a single file I don't have to zip it.
thanks. awesome tutorial
how to upload a file ?
Hallo, thanks for great tutorial!!
I have one question, maybe somebody knows the answer, cause im getting crazy
I prepare my design in Indesign, so, its text, pictures, eps from illustrator, and now, i wanted to Export for Dreamweaver – which is new function of Indesign Cs5, BUT, when I open this Xhtml in Dreamweaver, its totally mass …. i read somewhere that i it doesnt support Eps formats to export, so what can i do? How can I get my Indesign document to Flash?
so were is the download link
Great stuff man, i enjoy all your Tuts!
Hello sir,
I've been trying to solve this issue for a little bit and that's a great solution. Thank you for posting this tutorial. The right click is okay, but for mac users with only one button it can be frustrating.
So again, thanks for the solution.
Bro that is too basic of a question – That's web 101 (the first thing you should learn). Type "how to link to an image in Dreamweaver" or "…make the image larger."
i'd like to see you making a good tutorial
you talk to much dude. just get to the point.
what about for music?
what the hell were do i download it
Yes. Just intstead of the ZIP file, drag the PDF file into the directory on Dreamweaver.
Does anyone know if this would work for a programme download , instead of a photo , or video e.t.c ?
easy… nice 5*
EXCELLENT!!! Thx much
This Tut made me disable my subscription to tutvid.
i guess that was ironic?
WebPage maker v2.0 :)) for HTML pages and some PHP and MySQL
student version is actually 200$
there is a way to make your own server if you can't afford one , you will need a computer that is constantly online , and if your want to share very large files it is best to use torrent distribution as then you can have other peers help share your own content , there are free servers out there but they don't have much space for sharing ,
Great tutorial, by reading your comments I'm surprised by how many people didn't know how to do this.
how much is adobe cs4?
Thanks for TutoriaL …. Excellent
Archiving the image seems a bit obtuse and annoying to the user. If you know a programming language you can tell the browser to download the file by messing up the content type of the file.
I meant images, not "videos".