In this video I talk about how to think of unique ideas for your youtube channel videos through 3 different techniques.
How do you guys think of your youtube video ideas? Leave a comment in the comments section below!
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Great videos coming to my channel because of this video!!
That was sooo helpful
I don't know even if you gonne read my comment or not but still plzzz do suggest me for my YouTube content uniqueness then other people's…

what should I do… 

By combining vloging and dancing boht
I NEEDED THIS! The mind map I made just helped me come up with so many ideas thanks xx
Any small youtubers want to help each other out?

Really helpful video
Very helpful gonna change it up soon!Cheers
You are too sexy….. I really fall in love with your attitude
Talk too much, just solve the issue
Awesome, great info as always!
This will definitely be a help for my channel!

your voice is soo cute

I enjoy watching your helpful videos
You’re literally amazing wow
This was so helpful thank you!
Every time I try to concentrate on what she is saying her eyes distract me
Love this video x I have literally been binge watching all your videos haha!
Your videos are so helpful! I just started my YouTube channel 2 hours ago and my video is blowing up!
I haven't hit that point yet, but I'm for sure going to save this for later! Thank you!
The 2nd method is brilliant! Would've never thought of it
I love your helpful videos
you should do a video on how you prefilm and bulk edit
Channel Notes is a very good channel for ideas and helpful tips. Plus her voice is very worthy to hear

Thank you! I can't tell you how helpful this channel has been to me.
Ei! What font do you use for your writes? if you want tell me
Ei! What font do you use for your writes? if you want tell me
Applying these ideas to my channel! Your channel has been so helpful
Hi Michelle can you make a video about planning a video? I mean like once you've thought of the video, how you go about planning the production of it. Idk if that's something you could make a whole video on, but I'm curious what your process is between coming up with an idea and the editing of the video
Love both your channels!
You are awesome! Thank u so much..that Pinterest idea is just bang on!
Love your videos. Always so helpful
I never thought of using Pinterest as a source of ideas! that's a great tip!
Thank you, Muchelle! I feel confident to make my dreams come true everytime I watch your videos.
Your channel is very helpful!! Can't wait to tell my friends about it!!
I have to ask, what camera are you using in this video?
p.s. thank you for making videos like this that help other YouTubers.
This is a great channel. You organize everything so well to where it's clear and easy to understand!
You are the #1 most helpful channel thanks so much for this!
I am working on starting up my channel and I was nervous that I will not be able to think of enough ideas. So helpful and I am feeling more prepared to start making videos!
Can't believe I found your channel just right now! Thank you so much for your tips! i just started my own channel a few weeks ago and it's not really going that well for me
so thanks a lot!
Can't believe I found your channel just right now! Thank you so much for your tips! i just started my own channel a few weeks ago and it's not really going that well for me
so thanks a lot!
Your tips are truly a youtubers dream!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!
The Pinterest idea is genius and since I'm already addicted to Pinterest, I'll be using this concept for my next video ideas .