? [UI- Modern, flat, modern and multicolored User Interface with 1.3K of customizable Font Awesome Font Icons, Highlight / Activate button when the form is open (Active Form), Open a single panel form, Maximize-Restore Form without borders, Minimize and Close]
C# / Modern UI, Random MultiColor Themes, Highlight Active Form-button, WinForm, C#
Add Font Awesome controls to the toolbox in earlier versions of Visual Studio 2017 (In: 2015, 2013, 2012, 2010)
1.- Right click on a tab of the toolbox or create a new tab.
2.- Choose elements
3.- Search / Select – $ Project folder./packages FontAwesome.Sharp.5.8.3 lib net40 FontAwesome.Sharp.dll
4.- Accept / Ok.
LINKS – FONT AWESOME.SHARP – Author/Contributor: Marcel Körtgen (
Nuget Package
GitHub Repository
Free Icons Listing
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Facebook: facebook.com/rjcodeadvanceEN
Instagram: instagram.com/rjcodeadvance
? GET RJ CODE MODERN UI – M1 (55% OFF) [ C# || VB.NET ]
Learn how to create Custom Forms + Custom Controls + Theme and Style Settings
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Thank you!!
Hello, how can i make responsive the form in the panelDesktop? @RJCodeAdvanceEN
Bonjour cher ami,
merci beaucoup de vos efforts, en fait j'ai soucis a propos des instructions coller dans votre programme concernant DLL32. une un click sur PanelTitleBar je reçois un message d'erreur : (System.EntryPointNotFoundException : 'Impossible de trouver le point d'entrée 'releasecapture' dans la DLL 'user32.dll'.'). merci beaucoup encore une fois, de m'orienter pour le corriger

silençe you 

great !!!
Excelente tutorial. Gracias!
Hi, can you please share a video tutorial for print reports ( with or with out preview) via windows form.
my project is giving more than 20 errors and I think it has something to do with "currentBtn" or its declaration as IconButton.
Can anyone help?
GREAT VIDEO! Just what I was looking for and it helped a great deal. However, please choose a better voice for future videos.
it doesn't work the sub OpenChildForm
am useing visual studio 22 and when i add font awesom it didnt apear to me ?
Excelente tutorial. Gracias!
Too much infos
Let me try this on my project
good lesson
Can I create or put mdiParent there inside FormCustomers? I Hope someone answers. thanks
My lblFormTitle.Text = childForm.Text takes the name of the "formCustomers" instead of "customers"
how do i fix that please?
why i get error when i publish my app and try to install it i get the program cant install and i see this error :
font awesome.sharp.dll
and this message "BC41997 Visual BasicReferenced assembly does not have a strong name."
pls i build this app for a 7 day and i cant use it
11:43 i have an error from "=" saying end of statement expected
What type of theme you are using?
why my form border style is white? how to make it black like yours. BTW I like your videos <3
when I add IconButton to my form and run it, the form scaling is change and it appears much smaller than it's original size, could you help me with this problem?
excellent video
even i hate the robot voice
can you link the pictures for the Close, Minimize and Maximize buttons I Can't seem to find anything suitable on the internet
Any tips on getting the font awesome pro icons working?
How can I get Icon options?
You are HYPER AWESOME dude! Thanks a lot! Every single line works perfect!
Lol I think I fell for your voice first and second the way you present. Subscribed!
ola, este método ahorra mucho tiempo y facilita el trabajo de hacer diseños, lo incorpore en mi proyecto y al crear el ejecutable me envió un error, este es: "La signatura del nombre seguro no es válida para este ensamblado FontAwesome.Sharp.dll." sabes como solucionarlo?
When open application i want "dashboard" tab (for example) to be activated by defaut. How to do that ? Thank You
Is there a easy way how to create new forms (FormDashboard, FormSetting…), duplicate it including design? Or do I have to create it from beginning? Thanks
Hello sir im using vb2010 can u help? Thank you.
Hello! I'm having a problem with the 18 line in the coding section, which says that "'<elementname>' is ambiguous because multiple kinds of members with this name exist in <type> '<typename>'" Do you know how to fix this problem?
Hey, could we get the exit/minimize/maximize buttons? Thanks
how to send ID information to a textbox in a child form? Thank You
Very good job
Thank you
This is awesome, but I can't change the backcolor to RGB. huhu
0:25 Visual Baasic Language
But all jokes aside great tutorial
How Do I hide the menu from the left???