BEST Updated Controller Linear Settings for Console PS5 & XBOX (Fortnite New Aim Assist Settings) 0 Delay Fortnite Tutorial + BEST Graphics Settings & Colorblind Mode in Fortnite + BEST Fortnite Keybinds for Claw Players and Non Claw Keybinds for PS5 DualSense EDGE PRO Controller and XBOX Elite Controller in Fortnite
Every Fortnite Setting Explained & Tips and Tricks in Fortnite for Controller Players! In-Depth Fortnite Settings Tutorial! Hit Unreal Fast in Chapter 5 Season 4 in the New Ranked Reload Unreal Mode
? Music courtesy of
POW / Midnight City
? Music from
massobeats – gift
massobeats – lavender
massobeats – floral
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Updated Linear Controller settings in Fortnite new season! OP Controller Aim Assist and Fast Edit settings for Fortnite. Reduce input delay and edit faster on Console, improve on Controller and get your first earnings. Best Fortnite PRO Settings! Console performance mode fortnite with 120fps and 4K! Full fortnite high kill win gameplay BEST Fortnite zero builds settings, best fortnite PS5 Player!°
Fortnite Settings PS5 / PS4 / XBOX / PC / NINTENDO SWITCH
Get Performance Mode on Console and Reduce Input Delay on Console! Best Sensitivity Guide Tutorial & Fortnite Settings Explained for Beginners! EDIT Faster on Controller and Console + Best AIMBOT Controller Sensitivity in Chapter 5 Fortnite 2024. Best Fortnite Graphic Settings for Console Players (Best Colourblind mode in Fortnite) UPDATED Fortnite Controller PRO Linear Settings & BEST Exponential Settings (Fortnite Claw Keybinds + Fortnite Controller Keybinds)
240 on console
The best ❤❤❤
Yes the color of the kislux is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
The Best settings ever I was heading 200 pumps
If you don’t pin me your gay
Tanks you
yo bro can you help me on keyboard pls i play your map my name is asdrgaming1234 and i subscribed and liked so please can you help me.
Thanks you so much you’re a life saver 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
Thanks realfax you taught me how to play right hand claw and I practice everyday on ur map thanks man 😀 ❤️😁
Realfax where did u get ur controller from oh and I play ur practice map every day for 1 hour and I have really good aim and peice now
What monitor do you have
Real fax I approve
Your settings are old
I’m gonna be on ps5 soon I saved this video so I can use them I am on switch right now
What are your backpaddles ?
Why dont u have a button for reload?
Oh my God, I just copied the settings and I used to combat SMG and I straight ain’t bought it like I never did
Where is your other controller
i dare u to go to random games and ask if they can teach u how to play and then when ur finished teaching clapp that guy in a 1v1 and do that in a vid plz
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