How to create Youtube channel art for free in 2016/2017 is a video that shows the use of channel art using a website called Channel art can boost your views. Channel art also gives people the chance to trust you.
Use the channel art to convey the exact message that your channel is all about. The message! That is the most important feature of youtube channel art. This tutorial to create youtube channel art will spark your creativity! Build a desire to create more content for youtube art.
Obviously boost your views as well. If you are just starting with youtube, remember that the small things like Youtube channel art can make a big impact! Canva is the site to be for free graphics. If you are not using photoshop then canva tutorial is a must especially to create youtube channel art with canva
Check out the video from a year ago! it can be helpful to make more channel art!
Tips with Dav
-Keep showing Progress, Proof and Results no matter how small they are.
-Keep learning something new daily
Intro & Outro: Templates from below and edited by me.
Thanks for watching
I David Pinto I just saw your video and I love it and was super helpful but the main problem im having on my end off of making a channel art is that it says my pictures are too small to upload for youtube do u know anyway on how to fix that using your own personal pictures for youtube?.
Awesome tutorial! Thanks bro.
Nice video + I liked it! Hey, I also just started a youtube channel and am having a really hard time growing. I would really really appreciate if you could take a single minute out of your day to just take a look at my latest video(its a tutorial), and subscribe only if you want