Try doing this one thing when it comes to showcasing your work and projects as a data analyst!
In this Short, @AlexTheAnalyst shares his tips for building your first data portfolio! This Short is taken from a longer form event we hosted with Alex! Check out the replay, and our other upcoming data analytics events here:
Looking to start a career in Data? Take your first steps with CareerFoundry’s free data analytics short course:
Want a deeper dive on some key data analytics topics? Check out CareerFoundry’s blog here:
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Do THIS when building a Data Analytics portfolio…
How to build data analysis project using different technologies?
Like sql tableau and excel together
Ill get there 😅 im glad that all the different random skills that I've learnt are starting to blend together
How long take to thos hole things?
Where is this interview/video from? Is there a full video of the interview?