We’re going to explore the Offset Path function and the Shaper tool in Adobe Illustrator and see how they can help us quickly create all kinds of shapes, from the simple to the complex. It’s a great bit of fun and extremely helpful for all of us as we build our artwork and designs from basic shapes.
? The basic shape in this design was inspired by and stolen from this app:
00:00 Back to the start
00:21 What we’re making
01:20 Making the color scheme
03:13 Build the basic lines
05:59 Punching the gaps between lines
07:53 Create the bar spacers
10:12 Use the Shaper Tool
12:20 Please don’t leave yet
13:03 Using the Shaper Tool MORE
17:30 Adding color/gradient
20:53 Create a glowing reflection
23:30 Adding more sparkle and highlights
25:52 Wrap it up!
MSI Computers:
Aputure Lighting:
RØDE Microphones:
Autonomous Stand Up Desks:
SoundAssured Acoustic Foam:
tutvid is a YouTube channel dedicated to creating the best Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, and Illustrator tutorials.
?BUSINESS INQUIRIES → nate@tutvid.com
If you finish this tutorial, post your results on Instagram and tag me @theNathanielDodson I'd love to see your work!
Muhteşem üstad Fotoshop sihirbazı dünyada bir numaralı noise
Wonderful. Thank you.
imo using the shape builder tool is way more usefull and easier to work with than having to divide using the pathfinder tool and then having to squiggle using the shaper tool. but good tutorial!
It's so amazing and so useful video. Thanks a lot.❤
You may have intended to do this – it appears you are leaning out of the navigation panel.
Thanks nate
What a great video!! greetings from Germany
i also had a problem with color dodge taking the color of the background i used the same colors as you idk how to solve it someone help please.
ffs after using shaper tools it's not giving me the whole artwork as one shaper group it's divided which make coloring later not good there are some boxes that has individual color gradient
Hey, I just watched your Adobe Express tutorial/hype video and thought you were hilarious and your enthusiasm was great so I'm browsing your other videos to see what else you have that can help me. The beginning of this video is great; that intentional lean in to the goofy side made me smile. Great job!
Circles could be made with a blend and then – expand. It would take much less time.
Cool! Thanks
How come the magic wand selected only yellow rings by 7:00?
Love that you left in the flub at the beginning. 🙂
I'm enjoying your tips and tutes. Great stuff.
You're the king of doing tutorials! Love your videos! 😀
12:08 – I hit the thumbs up button. …but I stayed!
Ive been watching your stuff years ago when I got into design and became successful and still find myself going back to brush up on my skills so thank you for putting out all this content!!!
You are my HERO!!!
Thank you a lot!
u r the best dude
Thanks a lot Sir i wanna learn more effects please keep it up more effects tutorials.
Wow, that's how you do that! Most of what I do is very flat and cartoony stuff, but it's great to see how these slick graphics can be so easily made. Thanks!
You are going to be the next big YouTuber one day! Want likes? -> Promo-SM!!!
Wow you are back.
Good to see you are back!! Been missing your tuts. You had easily the best tutorials in a very educational way, easy to understand and follow. Keep up the good work 🧡
gak ngerti lo bang
I missed you Nathaniel! Nice to see you getting back into the groove of things again 🙂 I binged a tonne of your illustrator videos in mid 2020 and realised at some point "hang on, I know how to use this software now even though I've never opened it". I took the plunge and got Adobe Illustrator and it's been a great creative outlet for me. I can throw myself into a project and happily wipe out a Sunday just making something cool which is really refreshing since normally I write code and I've never really been an artsy person. I get sunlight and go outdoors don't worry! But I just want to say thanks for doin that you do!