More than 8 million Americans still lack access to high-speed internet, according to FCC data. Weijia Jiang takes a look at what the government is doing to expand broadband access.
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Also millions of americans live in neighborhoods in which it is unsafe to walk down the sidewalk. Priorities folks.
Yeah, cable companies really need our government to give them billions of dollars to give everyone (who qualifies), free Internet service. But, I know where my investment money will be going should the narrative become law?
Not a priority if half the population will fall for all sorts of disinformation. Better schools first, especially since the 54% of the US has below a 6th grade reading level.
I'm in Africa and have 1GB speed
'land of the free' …
Starlink and maybe the british company Oneweb will end up satisfying rural users.
8 Million still lack Internet like West Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Illinois and the other Southern States. WHY DON'T THEY HAVE Internet? Power over the people for one. Think about it!
If you control the television stations, and the newspapers you can manipulate the information you’re giving to your people like Fox News does one-sided. These States do not want the Internet because they’re afraid they will lose control, the people will find out that they have only been told half of the truth on any given subject and rebel against the government.
Oh, I guess they are doing that right now! Thank You, Biden!
What I can’t figure out is why people in the South are angry at the Democrats.
They have been trying to help the people while the Republicans have held them as Repressed hostages for the last 50 years!
We have loads of dead zones everywhere here in central Illinois.
younger generation are too spoiled and don't know of how fast the internet was back in the days when their was only dial up
In red states, the government does not care about you.
So? get a job and pay for it. You act like it's a constitutional right to have internet access.
Millions of Americans lack the real news.
People not having access to broadband internet is not the biggest problem it's the outrageous gouging prices they charge for it
I’m in NW Louisiana. Nope, no Wifi reception at all. During the pandemic, every family with school a school age child/children, moved. It’s ridiculous.
I have one word for her, STARLINK.
Third world
It's Trump's fault

there are more 'dead zone' internet and cell phone areas in the US that would shock people. In many cases 3rd world countries have better access.
There's a lot of things stupid people in West Virginia don't have access to.
that's why I got Starlink satellites I was getting 0.5Mbps now 100+
I like my $10 a month AOL dial-up.
Millions of Americans lack medical care, food and housing. But again, Let us just keep letting this dysfunctional and corrupt congress give our treasury to the war industrial complex and themselves.
They want internet provider to give 300 mbps in the middle of the woods for one person.
no internet = living like a cavemam
That 15yr old looks like she's 38
Move to the cities…. problem solved.
It costs a lot of money to run fiber in rural areas. My state has a lot of rural areas and those thinking of moving here have to look at the address as to whether or not broadband is available. This is one of the things that makes living in cities and suburbs more attractive if you require it for earning a living. It's somewhat similar to the post office that has to deliver to every address even though that can be really inconvenient.
Good thing ATT has $10 a month wifi for low income