About This Channel? : My Channel Is About Contet Related To Online Business Create Videos About Online Business Mainly Dropshipping
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How to run spark ads:
Branded Shopify Dropshipping – Packaging, Influencers, Branding & MORE!
?How to Market Your Business Using TikTok Ads ( Do This And Go Viral )
The TRUTH about General Store Dropshipping in 2022 | Shipping Times, Facebook Restrictions & more
How To Market Your Business On TikTok | Do This And Go Viral
#ecommerce #tiktokads #marketyourbusinessontiktok
#dropshipping #shopify #AdsTips #dropshippingonline
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How To Market Your Business On TikTok
Big thanks for your videos, it's helping me a lot
Why are only the sound effects hearable, i can't hear her voice
Do you suggest posting the videos that you get from ugc creators as tiktok ads or as regular tiktok videos?
This might be a boring question but with a low budget do you recommend Facebook or TikTok ads?
Hi are you looking for a video editor? Thanks, I can do that one.
Hi I have a question once you find the winning product how are you able to get ads like this done if you don’t have customers yet? I’m confused on how the person has the product in there hand if your drop shipping this product
I’m confused
Your marketing strategy is amazing
! Thank you soo much for sharing!
What do you recommend for songs? When posting using trending songs? Or what do you recommend?
What if it’s jewelry
You're videos are awesome!!!
What if you want somebody to make your ads for you should you send them the product or can they just do it on their own?
Do I need the product is it possible to create traffic from Tik tok to my store with out no products?
Can you make a video on how to do text to speech ads? Having a very hard time setting that up! Thanks so much. You are a blessing.
How to make voice like robot on Tim Tok from your examples?
With what budget do I recommend to start tiktok ads to test so that it works well and our video is seen?
thank you so much
What does UGC stand for?
Didn’t know how else to reach you but would love to join your team and am hella excited to learn about drop shipping from you. Am based out of USA
I started but thru Wix e-commerce not shopify. does it matter if it really starts with tiktok ads? I drop ship
Does my tiktok account need to be a business account in order to use spark ads
Do you make competitors research with SEO tools (Semrush, Ahrefs etc)? What if they have backlinks / seo for their traffic, and we don't. Does it matter for starting Shopify store and making 30K a day lol? Will we have any sales if not pros in SEO, I'm scared to start a little.
Thanks for sharing!
I love how transparent you are! Thank you for all this information
Your the best
Honestly regave me hope in the whole thing Thank You <3
te amo
You've come such a long way Margarita. I've been following your journey for a short while and its been inspiring how much you've done in it, you motivate me to become a better dropshipper, please don't stop these videos as busy as you am Im sure, your a breath of fresh air in the scene that doesn't try push us or withhold information from us.
Found you on Tiktok and followed you everywhere! Really love your informative videos. I'm usually sketched out from other drop shipping youtube people because I feel like they all sell courses. I tried drop shipping in 2018 and failed and never went back. But watching your videos make me wanna give it another try! In 2022, is it too late to start drop shipping? Is the market diluted?
Please put next time time stamps
Honestly I will be so thankful if you contact me personally man, I have some questions
How much money do you need to start your business/company and how do you go about product selection? Also, how do you know your initiative/startup will not be a total failure? How do you cut your risks? I personally love your content and am currently looking for courses on drop shopping and starting your own company. Thank you!
Amazing vid pleasee make more!!
Always valuable and honest info !! Question when testing do you use your website product pages, landing pages or funnels ?