[Tin tức] How I Plan My Coding Projects

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As a web developer, this is how I plan my coding projects to maximize enjoyment & efficiency while coding my own projects. It may be slightly different in other areas of development, but I believe the principles remain the same. And it will be different when working for in a team at a company, and maybe even for a client, as you need to get others up to speed rather than just sitting back enjoying the coding. Either way, I hope you gained something from this video that is solely based on my own experience and what I find best works for me. Enjoy!


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43 bình luận về “[Tin tức] How I Plan My Coding Projects”

  1. i've abandoned so many projects because i wasted way too much time on Figma to make hifi mockups for projects for which i had a very very clear image in my head – and therefore didn't actually need a mockup for – is kinda insane. haven't done that for the one i'm currently working and it made a world of a difference in my motivation. i'm actually working on the project and achieving things instead of just giving up lol. insane

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  2. I find it amusing, that all these frameworks etc (JIT, RAD, AGILE etc), all actually boil down to how programmers/developpers work ever since they picked up programming as a kid. Just start, prototype, do stuff, figure things out as you go. All these frameworks just sound to me like they're trying to formalize how programming is done in the end. All these fancy diagrams etc, yes. I agree, they're there for when you're working in a team, so everybody has some incline as to what has to be done. But in the end it's every programmer doing what they do best: just pushing out code and figuring things out as you go.

    I came here looking for some kind of structural advice, and I'm taking away "just do it, no matter how much you get done, how much you research: just clock it in and be happy with whatever result you get. Just like in the early days of learning stuff like basic, or 6502 assembly on the commodore 64" (yeah, I'm that old, some will undoubtedly be older, or younger, and have other earlies experiences). The fun days.

    Thanks, loving this point 😀

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  3. I was worried about starting to work on a personal project with a potentially high rate of return in the near future. I was scared to start working on the MVP and was lost in these "industry standards". Your video has proven alot of assumptions I had wrong. I am setting up a schedule to work on this consistently and go easy on it and have fun coding it out. I will treat it more like an art than science. Thank you for the valuable insights.

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  4. Bro… I found this video trying to figure out how to use Jira to help me structure myself to finish projects. I'm glad that I did because I feel like I'm already getting board with the project I started on this with. We have a similar way of looking at coding and your video helped me to remember why I started this in the first place. I have gotten so wrapped up in the ever changing "Industry Standards" and "Best Practices" that I forgot to enjoy myself. I guess we all get that sometimes but I appreciate you bro! You earned a Sub!

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  5. I agree with your overall message for doing solo coding projects, as using industry-standard workflows and tools at all times is definitely overwhelming and a lot of extra unnecessary work (as you mentioned, for collaboration/communicating your work to others.. since you are the only one on the project)

    That being said though, if you are serious about getting a job in the industry and are in a situation where you still don't have a foot in the door, I highly recommend against this, and instead recommend that you use all of these tools and workflows as getting used to it ahead of time will make you more desirable from a job-market point of view. Saying that you have experience from private projects making simple UI mockups and UML diagrams for your planned features, and also going through the motions of then making issues and storing that documentation within JIRA/Confluence (or another industry standard equivalent) before… this is a huge plus for hiring you over other inexperienced workers from a hiring manager's point of view. It shows you're dedicated and doing everything you can to build yourself up without yet getting an official opportunity to do so yet as well!

    Anyhow, for those solo-projects you do on the side while working an industry-standard job, then I totally get ForrestKnight's suggestions and agree, but just keep ↑ in mind as well if that advice is applicable to you in your situation! 🙂

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  6. Have not written code for a job in almost 20 years it was daunting thinking about the first steps I took all those years ago. I have a medium sized project in mind and it was refreshing to learn, again, that I really just need to download visual studio and start.. if I need diagrams later to figure stuff out then that's when I'll reacclimate myself with dia or whatever.. no more video research. Here I go.. already started the install.. thank you for the inspiration..

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  7. "Treat coding a little bit more like an art, than a science" I feel the same way right now. 👍

    All those processes and tools put in place to make the project succeed seemed to be treated as the target themselves, i.e. how many tickets you completed, instead of how much value those completed tasks are providing.

    I, most of the times, feel better when coding a simple library or console app in C# that saves me some minutes rather than completing a task for X or Y legacy app.

    Great video!

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  8. When you said don't set deadlines, I couldn't agree more. Everyone always says how important deadlines are to stick to. Then you see what they completed & find that with a slight bit more attention to detail, it could have turned average work into great work. Thanks for a good video!

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  9. I have been creating many apps in my whole programming journey and I really enjoyed the ladder experience, I don't have anxiety of thinking if can do it or not I just enjoy the road, but now I feel I need to learn how to plan things before hopping to my text editor hahaha and it's gives me anxiety haha I hope I overcome it .

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  10. Disagree.
    For pet projects, it may work, but not for real-world apps.
    For instance, try to search for videos on youtube where programmers write "clone" applications and check out how many details they missed.
    A good project should be detailed, and each step should make sense. To implement such easily, you need a plan, or you'll build the "Instagram". *

    * – example of technically unideal software engineered product

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  11. Asking for where you got that epic keyboard.
    I have been a self taught programmer for many many years and even still I am trying to understand how to do programming I had to hop from many different languages to understand how programming works I started at a young age but I do wish now that I am older that some of the YouTube and other websites had good tutorials back then. If there was one thing I wish I told myself is to not give up because someone on stack overflow was being a jerk to you. -Best of luck to anyone out there!

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  12. In my 20+ years coding professionally, I wish I would have known more the emphasize of "Don't be so strict". This is so important. It won't be perfect and refactoring is a term that people tend to forget. You can write code in a way that you prepare for easier refactoring, but don't have to spend so much time on getting everything "perfect".

    Great video!

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