Unity compilation getting you down? Check out Chris Handzliks FastScriptReload, which is FREE and OPEN SOURCE. Instead of full domain-reload and script compilation every time you make a small code change. This tool will automatically compile only what you’ve changed and immediately hot-reload that into current play session.
Iterate on whatever you’re working on without re-entering play mode over and over again. We’ll look at importing, and basic usage.
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Thanks a lot for such GREAT content, mate! Definitely SUB!
Mine is messed up. My script wont compile.
How do I uninstall this thing? Now I always need to manually compile (ctrl + r)
Using Unity 2022.3.2f1 LTS
That's an incredibly valuable asset for all developers! 🔧 Before discovering it, I used to endure agonizingly long script reload times when switching to Unity 2021 LTS. But then I stumbled upon a game-changing Unity Tip that revolutionized my workflow. 🚀
👉 Here's the trick I found: ✨ In Project Settings > Editor > Enter Play Mode Settings, enable "Enter Play Mode Options" and disable the other two options below. This simple adjustment made entering Play Mode lightning-fast, taking just 2-3 seconds every time, regardless of project complexity. However, it comes with a caveat (which I learned the hard way and now use with caution). By doing this, some compilation tasks, including static instances, may be skipped. So if any unexpected issues arise in my projects, I simply press Ctrl + R to recompile and resolve any related problems.
👉 But here's the big question: Does this method potentially miss crucial items during compilation, especially the important ones? 🤔 What if hours are spent troubleshooting a seemingly mysterious error in the game, only to realize it was a simple compilation issue all along? The struggle is real! ⏳
Do you by chance have a good tutorial on how to export android apks? I keep getting a debuginformation file instead of the apk when i build and buildmethod errors in unity. 🙁
oh damn, this is such a game changer, i don't needa wait even more than 5 seconds, and it fixed an error i was getting after unity finished compiling in which input system won't respond anymore till you restart playmode
You got anything for "reserialize assets unity" or "waiting for unity code to finish executing". These will take forever. Literally just clicking will cause them to go off… Any way to speed this up.
Just curious, when would you need to manually full domain reload?
Have been using unity for years. Didn't know unity can do this. But if this is possible, why isn't unity doing it themselves? Maybe it only works in smaller projects?
This is too good to be true, I was trying to find how to reduce unity compile time and you uploaded this video but as I said it's too good so are there any problems, like my computer is pretty slow. Thank you
unity should make a feature like live coding in unreal. this solution seems promising.
SpeedTutor! We need a Code Pad door locker video!
Why the fuck you post this video when there's a default setting in Unity which lets you compile everything fast?
thanks but … Mac Silicon Editor version not supported
Hey there @SpeedTutor you may need to revisit your affiliate links, I think Unity messed with it again -_-
Loading scripts normally is still not as bad as Unreal Engine – Compiling is sooo slow in UE;
It is great, but don't this force you to write all your variables inside the scope of a method? Because you cannot modify the variables outside the method.
I guess it's pretty cool for modifying the order of things in code. For variable tweaking you could just serialize the variables in the inspector and tweak them
I come across this asset a month back on reddit, downloaded it but never used it. Your video made me use it and it is awesome. Thanks much
i have both Fast Script Reload (FSR) asset and the Hot Reload (HR) asset. Its funny how they have different approach. In FSR, it is require to turn off unity auto refresh, but in Hot Reload, it is require to turn On auto refresh…
thank you so much
Wow, its a wish come true 😁😃
I am still working on a project I am planning to ship on 2019.4 and honestly compilation times are still quick. But I will try it after backing everything up that is. This aside, your videos are always helpful and bring stuff to light that I hardly have the time to discover, keep doing this.
I found it to be less than useful, could be something to do with Photon as it doesn't reload assemblies at runtime, it needs to recompile from a static state before allowing changes but yes seems if for single player testing this could be useful.
Love the video, thanks for putting it together!
Coming from web design (specially vite), this was something that always, always annoyed the soul out of me. Thanks a lot for this! <3
I'm speechless! This is absolutely amazing 🤩
I know the first thing I'm going to do when I get back to working on my game!
i got a question, does this work on playmaker as well?
thanks for make this tutorial! it helps a lot!
You always upload the ideal content ❤️
This is a game changer… Thanks