5 Cool Tips & Tricks to speed up ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jelly Fish. Make ubuntu 22.04 faster. Fed up with Ubuntu performance, then try these tips & tricks and fix ubuntu 22.04 issues.
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Install Firefox as Deb:
Setup Flatpak:
Setup Nala:
Install Preload : sudo apt install preload
Install TLP :
↪ sudo nala install tlp tlp-rdw
↪ sudo systemctl enable tlp
↪ sudo systemctl start tlp
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? Support ME ?
Mere Sai
Honestly speaking Snaps and Snapd isn't bad, they are improving it significantly, if they change the compression of Snaps to Zstd and enable some sort of CPU acceleration, I think Snaps will be best, they have already changed to Lzo compression due to zstd being not available in older Ubuntu version kernels,I think by the end of year Firefox Snap will be Perfect
I tried sudo nala install stacer, it was cool!
Error of course😂😂😂
haamha the preload.service could not be found what can i do now
Preload I think is good if you run several programs alot to save time. But it could be a problem for occasional use of certain programs by hogging precious ram.
Thanks for helping point out nala for us.
You dont explain nothing..only type commands and thats all..shit video!! sorry my friend!
what do u do between 2:35 to 2:40 i am unable to do further process
My solution is to disable animation and use rofi instear search of default ubuntu
you have no commands in Description 🙁
Uninstalling snapd broke my system lol
As an Indian I suggest please stop using the fake "American" accent just use your regional accent I guarantee it will sound better and more natural…
How to restore ,like it was?
From your video i lost everything.
Bluetooth headset is not working in Ubuntu chrome browser what should i do
Help help help, followed the instruction and now my Ubuntu is, crashing at every corner, I'm trying to download the Repo and the thing keeps saying TLC certificate not found, and now my Firefox doesn't work anymore after purging snapd
Fuck, after snapd remove. Need reinstal all system.
very very helpful.Thankss
is it possible to do in Ubuntu, one Software install as two Diffrent.
Like in Androin lot of apps is there to use one app like dual app, clone or Dual Space, Parallal Space.
is it possible to do same thing in Ubuntu.
Now I realized that Microsoft Windows OS is better than Ubuntu Linux OS, and became the most popular most used OS world wide. Ubuntu is not for general public to use, which makes this Linux OS underrated and it's complicate to navigate the system for an average computer and devices for general users of the whole wide world. It's only for geek user's only who stuck themselves creating their own boring bubble. Pathetic, Breathe ; feel the fresh air. Be surreal.
can i use both flatpak and snap??
Fuck! Ubuntu 22.04 got corrupted following your steps, flatpak.org is for sale and can't download the pakg.Fuck !
Well back to window 🪟
Damn… I must try this dude, Thank you for this info ! I hope it works. It just that for an older user like me, I'm fed up of terminal "sudos" typing that makes it complicate to do. I'm a first time user of this Ubuntu 22.04 linux OS, and got used of windows. I thougt Ubuntu is easier to navigate, for a click of a mouse, click install, wait, and done. I'm not a geek and I'm old to be a geek.
after running sudo nala – – version i get
"Terminal can't support dialog, falling back to readline"
nala 0.12.0
no no
Hey, tell me where is your link that u r copy ?????????????
if i install the nala can i use the apt again??/