#increasedownloadingspeed #increaseslowinterinetspeed #slowdownloadspeedproblem #haroonhussain
_______________/Video Summary_______________
Assalam O Alikum!
In this video I’ll show you how do you increase download speed in your browser Your web browser stores cache data. However, too much cache data can slow your download speed. It may cause webpages to load slowly and downloads to stall. Clear your cache so that the unused data isn’t sitting in your internet’s system
Watch full video for better understanding.
__________________/Video Tags__________________
haroonhussain,how to,increase,dubble,download,speed,chrome,google chrome,windows 11,pc,how to increase download speed,how to increase download speed on chrome,how to increase download speed windows 10,how to increase download speed windows 11,how to increase download speed on chrome pc,how to increase chrome download speed 2022,how to increase file download speed in chrome,how to increase download speed on google chrome,how to increase google chrome download speed 2022
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_________________/Links In Video________________
1: ipconfig /flushdns
2: chrome://net-internals/#dns
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thanks to u am down to 25 from 283
EDIT 1: wait no its gone to 300?
EDIT 2: lol it went to 284
EDIT 3: nvm its down again to 67
As CMD was opened I left the chat😢
i hate chrome
this did not work.. it went from 1 day to 5 days…
Tsym went from 10m to 7hours
Thank 10 hous to 10 day🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thanku so much bhai
Thanks my download when from 2 Day to 40 day :/
NAH FAM its called NET diff, get a better internet you just went up few KBs, where I getting 5 mbps is like really slow.
it only got slower..
thanks 🙂🙂 my speed 889 kbps went to 238 kbps
bro mine is 18-20 mb and its still the same wtf
it actually work man ,my Kb/s increase up to 500
thanks your tutorial broke my computer
my download speed is still below 100 kbps
It really works .. i have my estimated time from 3/4hours to 7/8 mins
This is not working properly at the first time it's works then it's slow more than before
For stream please
it was at 500kbps and now it went to 1000tbps
it's not helping
This didn't work for me… i am still getting 1mbps…
this is hella cappppp