Edit: A few people are wondering why the Thoroughbred and Mustang are saddled while the Tennessee Walker isn’t. This was done on purpose so as not to add any extra points of speed on the TW. I was aiming to test what the difference was between the slowest horse available against the fastest horse for curiosities sake.
Disclaimer – All testing was done in story mode. Unfortunately, horses in online are speed capped in free roam!
Rockstar hasn’t released any patch notes in regards to horse speed adjustments at the time of making this video so we can only assume speed is more or less the same for online and story mode.
I like to see one with Arabian, foxtrot, saddle breed
Yeah this proves the speed stat is almost meaningless. I have an Arabian and after it bucked me over and over in front of cougars and bears and snakes and people coughing and on Tuesdays I started using the Ardennes nearly all the time. I'd rather ride for 10 seconds more and not have to reload a saved game and lose 10 minutes.
would your speed matter if your horse go round and round while being chased by the law ?
I never really cared about the speed stats. I love a good courageous horse for hunting; Andalusian.
And then I just go for looks. Tiger-striped Mustang, Buell, Few Spotted Appaloosa and then a spot to change it up with some different ones.
I got 2 arabian in stable:) and now I think it's a bit pointless to have the 'fastest' horse
My problem is I like ALL THE HORSES and you can only have 4 at one time hahaha. The Ardennes is an absolute unit though. Right now I'm digging that and the Mustang along with some race horses. Gotta diversify the stable 👌
I think people are underestimating handling
Kentucky Sadlers or American Standardbreds = op early on
what horse is at the very beginning of the video?
Horses in online are speedcapped in free roam? Can you elaborate on that?
I've wanted to pick this game back up again, I bought it and played the story mode to completion three years ago, then never picked it up again because I got more responsibilities as I've aged. Although, I have found myself with more free time now, and your videos have really gotten me back into the mood of playing Red Dead Redemption II again. Thanks for the informative videos and advice!
These are very informative videos you have on your channel. They've helped me tremendously since i started playing this game a couple of weeks ago
White Arabian vs The noktaka in saint Denis
The Nokota wins by 3 secs.
I love your Mustangs name.
Could you do a handling test between the proffesional and standard
game feels slugish as fuck and that is just terrible….
This just reaffirms my choice in keeping the black shire that Hosea gives you at the start of the game. It’s a gorgeous horse and I’m so glad I didn’t sell it
Does rain affect the speed?
Can anyone confirm what kind of horse is at the very beginning 0:01 of this video? Is it the Palomino Standardbred?
You can see the difference when your being chased by lawmen and they all catch up to you cause your horse has 2 speed
I had wandered about his cause it didn’t seem like the “super fast” Arabian was that fast compared to my standardbred. I kept the standardbred better handling and temperament.
Thank you very much. Im concerned about the handling. How better the elite is compared to standard
Durability and bravery matters most.
Damn… this sucks. So speed and stamina don’t matter, bravery doesn’t exist, health doesn’t matter in story mode. Now I’m dubious whether even handling exists.
Stop play it alone. Just marry me and we play it together.
Lol, 10 speed horse. Bruh it ain't a transmission
handling and stamina matter more then speed now that in think of it
I'll stick to my strawberry ardennes and tiger mustang
Speed isn’t as important as people think. What you like and getting a good horse with a good courage roll is what I go for.
I always pick the horse I just like anyway
Watched this before, but it's nice to be reminded… after my Arabian got me killed by a panther yesterday I think I'm going back to my Hungarian Halfbreed (still chapter 2, but doing tons of side content). It's by far the most courageous horse I've had versus animals up through chapter 3… fyi it's the one in the barn from the Polish guy in the Strauss Mission… super good early game horse, especially for hunting.
you're not fair, why did you improved thoroughbred and mustang speed but you didnt improve the mahogany bay
Same difference