In this video, I am covering how to slow a fast horse down. I discuss three different factors that influence why a horse will speed up, and demonstrate these using different exercises. If you have a horse going too fast in the canter or trot these tips should help. Feel free to leave a comment if you have questions ? If you know someone else looking to slow a fast horse down feel free to share & I’ll talk to you in the next video!
0:00 Intro
0:36 Understanding The Aids
2:47 Good Timing
5:20 Rider Position
6:19 Things to Think About
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I hope this was a help! Feel free to leave a comment if you have questions or suggestions for future videos 😊
helped sooo much
i love your videos they teach me so much for riding since i ride alone
i had a very forward pony today and it was rough at the beginning but sooo good in the end. i’ve had 6 full lessons and a lot of 15 minute rides/mini lessons. but this pony was completely different to all of the others i’ve ridden and i didn’t feel safe at 1st cuz he’d keep moving sideways, ignoring everything i say or take it too far. bare in mind, i’ve only ever ridden stubborn/easy going ponies/horses. butttt later in the lesson we definitely got more into sync (we still had a couple problems where he’d try to speed off but he was fine). but thanks to this beauty, i had my 1st canter!!! there were 3 accidental mini ones before that which i did really good with (cuz he tries to speed up) but i think i handled it really well! no falling and my instructor was happy 😊 despite how different and nerve racking it was, we did really well together in the end! he’s only small but he is a bundle of energy and soooo quick.
my horse is just very excited and forward I cannot trot without her wanting to canter. or walk without her wanting to trot. but when she's in canter she's fine
I ride a horse that likes to really speed up in the canter raises her head really high and also does not want to go back to trot after cantering. Any suggestions on how I can help her learn to be more relaxed and listen to me in the canter?
hi realy like content im going to riding lessons soon so your a big help
Hey i have a question when I move to the canter, do I keep my outer leg behind the girth for the duration of the canter, or when I start the canter only and then put it back over the girth?
Great pieces of advice, thank you for helping us.
Very helpful. Thanks
My issue is my mare refuses to walk. She only trots, canter and gallop. I’ve used i dunno how many different bits, training methods but nothing has worked. My saddle began to slip today and I tried to slow her down, but she refuses and kept trotting and I ended up falling off. I don’t care about me falling off, I just wanted to stop so I could fix the saddle before she got hurt. I dunno what to do and I feel like our training has gone 100% backwards. I’m exhausted.
This was so spiritual
Hello, can you help me and give me the names of companies or products to strengthen horses such as multivitamins and solutions That you recommended
When your Western and think this is shit
It's only me or she is really an amazing soothing trainer with the horses
I just started a lease with this amazing horse named Daisy but she gets super fast she is 15 so idk if that’s an age thing but I’m trying to keep it steady!
awesome video!!! well done…
I have a decision to make if I’m gonna get this 5yo ottb mare. She’s extremely fast and I’m not as confident with it as I want to be. I can’t canter nor Gallop yet but she always wants to take off when I go into trot
What you say makes sense. But I have also been told doing transitions amps a horse up. I'm thinking maybe it all depends on if you hold the slower gait till they are calm, versus not giving enough time at the slower gait so they are anticipating speeding up again. Any thoughts or comments?
I ride this pony at my lesson barn, she throws her head up any time you pull and shes in a bitless bridle. She takes off in the canter and trot, any ideas to calm her down?
You videos are so helpful! You also have a very smoothing voice. Thank you!
hi! so I've been riding for 5 years and I've been put on this naughty horse who just will not stop. he will stop for other people but not for me. I pull back on the reins and he won't stop! it makes me nervous because whenever we do no stirrup work all I'm thinking is "will he stop when I ask?"
what should I do?
At what age did u first ride a horse😊?
I have a horse that's little jumpy and even when you plop on it, bareback, even with the slightest touch of your leg, it will start moving. So I am going to give it a work out until it turns and stops to look at me, then I'll bring it back to the mounting block. Would that be the right way?
Is that what you mean by slowing a fast horse ?
I was expecting more like an Arabian Flat Racing horse.
My moms friend has a horse that WILL NOT walk without pitching a fit. As soon as you get on he is cantering.
This video was very helpful. My question is: Would this method work with a horse that is spooking and reacting to environmental situations, i.e. flapping arena tarps?
Love it but I wouldn't call that horse compared to mine lol. I was having a lesson and the instructor kept saying "SLOW DOWN" keep a nice working trot and when I managed to I was like: "Wait what? It is to slow for a working trot?!
My horse Rolex looks think you’re horse so much!!!
Hello, thank you so much for making these videos; they are extremely helpful. I have a quick question though: I ride a pretty speedy and forward mare, and while I am able to get her to relax and slow down when trotting, she tends to speed up when cantering. I try to release the reins a bit and sit back and relax, but she just gets faster. She used to teach race horses how to race and stuff (I can’t remember what it’s called at the moment), so I don’t know if that maybe has something to do with it or not. She also likes to anticipate what I’m going to ask her to do, like changing a gate for example, before I ask. How should I work on these issues?
Am I the only one when you let go of the reins imagining what would happen if the horse took off?
You help me so much your voice is so calming you’re amazing with horses and you are one of the best equestrians I have ever seen❤️❤️🙃🙃🙃
i’m having a little trouble having my horse go to a fast trot into a walk, i pull on my outside rein but i don’t know how that’s working
I want to ride a horse but my mum don't want to let me and it is too expensive and im in Stevenage so 🙁
Hey! I am a sort of beginner rider, could you do a video on how to trot on the right diagonal? Love you videos, thanks!
Hi, so I have a question.. so I knew my mare needed to be lunged two days ago but I didn't do it because whenever there's a little bit in the riding ring I'm not comfortable doing that since the little bits are beginner riders. The day before that day she'd been fine around the other horses, she was calm, sure the jog was a little quick and that's not unusual since she's usually a bundle of energy anyways but it was still controlled nonetheless. Then the next day her ears were pinned back, her jog was much faster, still controllable and I worked on her transitions. I think it was just an off day for her. I mean she's a mare after all, it's like women, some days we're happy and chill, the next day we're super angry for no reason. But is it like cheating?? Whenever I use the lunge line I feel like I'm cheating and I'm not really like originally teaching her to slow down in the jog because I already cheated with the lunge line. Should I try a different bit?? I watch my position always, it's probably one of my most focused things. Will following the jog to walk transition help her to start slowing down when we do the jog all the way around?? I mean I assume that's why it's been put into the video. I just don't think its me that's doing anything to cause this, but I feel like I could be doing something different to help her realize going that fast in a jog is never ok. I can't canter until I know her jog and trot are both sound and relaxed. Idk what I'm doing wrong. Is lunging cheating? Or is it kind of like a thing where you gotta do what you gotta do??
Your video started helping me to ride my horse pls upload more videos
Last time I got on a horse the saddle kept falling off and the horse was moving and I’m too scared to get on a horse now
Watching you train is almost like a meditation. Any horse would be his best with you as rider.
Which country are you from?
im getting a lil baby horse in 3 months(hell be 9 months then) and i cant wait till hes older!!! i love your channel so much! right now im riding a 13 year old horse and will continue till my horse is ready and just train the little one! im saving right now though for him. his name (ill be naming him different) is lunar but i want to name him hadli. the horse im riding is named havana!