4:35 – "Thanks for trying out Sublime SFTP. It is free to try, but a license must be purchased for continue use" :))) How many time do you press Esc to close this dialog in one session of work? Bình luận
Is it normal? – if (isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'])? Bình luận
ohmfg, is it great idea to use some function( arg1, agr2….. arg100 ){} ?
فرق کد زدن یه دختر و یه پسر همینه… بخاطر همینه پسرا همیشه برتر بودن خخخ
Keren videonya, Subscrib3 back yaa
I look with speed 0.2 and you so slow.)
4:35 – "Thanks for trying out Sublime SFTP. It is free to try, but a license must be purchased for continue use" :))) How many time do you press Esc to close this dialog in one session of work?
song name plox
Is it normal? – if (isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'] && isset['test'])?
how did you configure the database
can u give me the music's name? btw very nice vid
Speed coding? You mean you speed up the video you recorded? lawls
all that programming and you have a static html page?
sagol dzmaa <3
which editor are you using?
send me this source code on email – xakepok777@mail.ru
Spaghetti code. Music like
this is very inspirational its great mate
+Saba Abesadze hello can you add me on skype ImVisual.PvP i need some help about coding 😛
Не логичнее вместо if(isset($var1) && isset($var2) …) написать if(isset($var1,$var2,…))?
this is beautiful… but i'm know much low… great video
love system of a down!!