Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos:
#李子柒#Liziqi#lýtửthất#ChineseCuisine #ChineseFood
【李子柒 Liziqi 】
Yellow peaches are finally ripe!
At summer dusk, open an iced can of yellow peaches,
Sweet, fruity, and cool…
Dare you take it from me, I won’t let you off.
liziqi李子柒更多精彩视频推荐/More wonderful video recommendations:
liziqi李子柒精选视频/decent video selection:
李子柒●花开有声 | Soud of blooming flowers:
李子柒 ●饮食以节 | Chinese festival food:
李子柒 ●适时而食 | Seasonal diet:
东方非遗传承 | Oriental intangible cultural heritage :
传统工艺 | Traditional handicraft:
Spring 春之卷:
Summer 夏之卷:
Autumn 秋之卷:
Winter 冬之卷:
#李子柒 #liziqi
Where are you???
I miss u…
Love from Bangladesh
Please Instagram I'd share

love the background music, what's the title
Miss you
To answer the question for a video title, YES PLEASE! Thank you.

When will be my in wife
Subur" Banget, punya tetangga ga sih serius nanya..
Is there anyone like me that keeps watching over and over again
Hopi:''Sweeter'' 11:12
Sun: ''Hooter''00:19
Joonie: ''Cooler''08:00
Yoongy: ''Butter'' 23:26
Son unos
delos mejores conciertos
Я обожаю этот ремейк. Такой красивый клип,танец,аутфиты и мои любимые девочки.
لمذا لا یوجد فیدوهات جدیدا ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ آورید جوابن من یعرف ؟؟؟
Skali kali gitu loh pake bahasa Indonesia
I wish I was living there too ️

Are you still making videos? I love your work and how you will keep letting us into your magical world.
Hola quisiera saber porque no está la abuela perdón eh visto unos cuánto videos y no la eh visto gracias

صفحتي اسمها تعليقات جميله كل احب هذا الفيديو نزلي لنا فيديوهات جديده ترى ما بعد ما علق لك دزي لنا صورتك على الانستغرام على اليوتيوب على الانستا على التوك توك وانت ما اسمك
Hola soy de Argentina es la primera ves q te escribo yo y mi miña q es espesial ella tiene paralisis serebral pero cada ves q le pongo sus videos se puede quedar el día entero mirandolos nos encanta
Mbak ini sendirian ya ' hidup di desa dg nenek nya' anak nya rajin sekali 'kalau ngk salah nama nya lyncih.
In Spanish please

Vẫn giữ được nét truyền thống văn hóa
The orchestra is rather beautiful, serene
Hình mẫu người vợ đảm đang ai lấy được cô ấy tu mấy kíp mình rất ngưỡng mộ

miss you
comeback please 
miss you
Miss you

We miss you.
Miss you Liziqi

Where have You been we miss you