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This tutorial shows you how to read / scan QR codes in JavaScript using the Html5-QRCode library.
#qrcode #reader #scanner #javascript #tutorial #javascript_tutorial #webdevelopment #nodejs
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👉 Source code with live working example: https://openjavascript.info/2022/12/10/qr-code-scanner-with-html5-qrcode-js/
QR code parse error, error = D: No MultiFormat Readers were able to detect the code.
How to resolve this?
I added the source code to my project of Angular Dart, and in the html view i can see the UI of the scanner, but when i load the project
i cannot see the scanner UI . can you please suggest me something?
I've tried running the code on my machine. And it turns out that the camera works for a few seconds and then disappears. and up but the word that the camera is working please help me
Im actually getting an error… "Qr code parse error, error = D: No MultiFormat Readers were able to detect the code.
good library, but it's a pity that you can't change styles and manage them more flexibly
source code please
so good 🙂 thanks for share video
Tks !!