Hello Insiders! Today we’re back with another episodes of YTA Reports to Know talking about traffic from subscribers. If you have specific metrics or reports you’d like to understand better, we’d love to hear them in the comments.
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Thumbnail is crazy
Helo me bro
Supar video bro 🍇
Shorts shelf!!!
I clicked.
Seems like the video stopped before he could finish giving instructions on how to open the report! 🙁
New to you tab seems to have disappeared?
I would like to know: How do I improve the voice and image quality on my videos?
Great explanation, Sir!
Thank you for this info.
How long does it take for you to give me my community tab after I reach 500 subscribers? I’ve waited so long for this opportunity and I reached 500 5 days ago. Is it automatic or do I need to request it someplace?
Please recommend my Videos 😭
Pls recommend my videos 😭
thank for new information
big thank for new information
sorry this is not on the theme ut maybe you can help me. since yesterday youtube is not loading my own vid´s when i´m locked in my own account. on other devices i can see and download my vid´s without problems. only when i´m on my own channel no video ill load. after 1 minute the blackscreen shows me an error an when i klickon it i still have no dowload. THANK´S in advance for your adwise.
What's with the search tool on YouTube? I searched for my channel and it didn't come up, but there were a lot of channels with few views, single digit subs and single digit videos. Mine did not show up after scrolling a page or two. Am I being shadow banned or is your search tool really messed up? This is totally unacceptable!
My Adsense identity verification failed after three attempts uploading my identity card and permanent driver's licence. Ads are no longer showing on my channel. Please team YouTube help.
Thank you
Nice one! But can you explain this further?
merci beaucoup
Thank you for the update, Creator Insider..!!
Thanks for the tips ✌
A question about comments:
Engagement is important for Youtube algorithm (and for us of course). Comments are part of it. A video with commenting viewers performs significantly better, I did experience it.
BUT! What if I have a lot of comments, but I would like to maintain a healthy and positive comments section and delete/filter the gibberish comments what are (unfortunately) a major part of my comment sections. Deleting those comments does hurt the performance of the video and decreasing the "engagement numbers" at the algorithm?
I want to join the Shorts Creator Community, but my country, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is not on the list of countries I have to select. Please allow Bosnia and Herzegovina to be on the list so that our channel can join. Thank you.
Why is the 4K quality not showing up in the quality of my videos even though I get a notification that the video has completed processing as 4K?
Why is the 4K quality not showing up in the quality of my videos even though I get a notification that the video has completed processing as 4K?
This makes no sense to me at all. The subs feed is secondary point of impressions for subscribers. Most of them will see a new video on the home feed, unless their entry point to YouTube is a direct link to the subs page. So, if the subs page creates lower numbers than average, it may very well be that the video was so interesting to subscribers, that they watched it from the starting page right away. Naturally that will decrease the amount of views from the subs page, because that statistic works with relative data compared to other sources of access. So i don't see how this data can be used as a source of information, if a topic was interesting to subscribers.
Always try + pray can be real Youtuber with benefits AdSense 💲 to buy or build motorhome then make a life journey with Youtube
정성껏 찍은 영상에 대한 평가가 정말 힘들더라구요
하지만 더 많은 생각을 구독자분들에 맞추어서
유용하고 맛있고 건강한 요리 영상을 찍어볼게요^^
How about engage viewers in the comments to grow your base and come up with brand new ideas? I'm not really a creator…just thinking analytical approach has so many variables. Can show you progress over time, but there's limits to planning new content based on past data. It needs to incorporate viewer comments and polls too. I found the best channels are down in the comment section engaging their viewers directly.
Mantap jiwa👍👍🙏
Then the video ends? Not really as helpful as it could be
first comment!